What are your co-workers like?

So? What are they like? Is there anyone you don’t get along with?

I get along with mostly everyone here. I’m reception/hr, so I have to. There is one other person that I butt heads with.

One guy near me wears a lot of Obsession for Men. I mean LOTS of the stuff.

<le peu>

We are an office of 6. Everyone here is genuinely friends. We’ll go out for beers after work the odd time and help each other move.

There used to be an asshole that worked here. As soon as he walked into the room and everyone else was already there chatting, we’d all just leave.

I have my own office, thank the gods. My coworkers are lawyers and legal secretaries. For the most part, they’re cool. We don’t do much socially, though.

The one person who had the same music tastes as me left a few weeks ago :frowning: I go to lunch with a legal assistant a few times a month. She’s cool but she’s in LA for the next five weeks…

I work at an upscale women’s magazine. Ever see Patsy’s coworkers in Ab Fab? They were not exaggerating . . .

I like almost all of the people I work with/for. However, there are a couple that I wouldn’t spit on if they were on fire. Fortunately I don’t have to deal with them much.

I work with two other women - and they are very very cool. I love it. Small offices are the way to go!

I’m new to this end of a VERY big building… but the people here are strange.

Plain walls - no personal effects - very few photos - not a hue of color in sight

These people are terminally white (even those who actually have skin color), no social value what-so-ever, B O R I N G ! ! !

And here I am - Auntie Mame, telling everyone to “LIVE LIVE LIVE” and they just look at me funny.

I am fortunate to work with a wonderful group of people. The hippest librarians around! Of course, there are a few more conservative types (whodathunk you’d find those in a library? :wink: ), but they’re still pleasant to work with–just a little more toned down than the rest of us. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve worked someplace where everyone seems to genuinely like and respect each other.

I have two separate jobs, and two completely differant types of coworkers. My one job is a fast food restaraunt in a college town. So, it’s pretty much students, w/ a few HS kids thrown in. And hte management is all under 30. We are all pretty much a cheap beer crowd. And all the college kids kinda treat the HS kids like younger siblings. We all pretty much get along w/ the exception of those few people who’s only reason for working in fast food is they aren’t smart enought o function anywhere else. These are usually the people we end up putting on front register, so that nobody else in the back has to deal w/ them.

My other job is at an information desk. Again all students, but the info desk people are more of a Friday Night dance club, mixed drinks crowd. (I know I go by type of alchohol people drink!)

I like to hang out w/ both groups outside of work. However, I’ve found that most poeple from the two groups don’t get along. The fast food people think the info people are too stuck up, and the info people think the fast food people are too low class.

I work in a large office. Most people I get along with, though there are a couple exceptions:

One guy is an uber-geek. He knows everything from C++ to Perl to Java and everything else in between. That’s great, and I’d like to be like him, but if I were I would not judge other people’s overall intelligence and competence on what they know and don’t know. This guy can be a real asshole and will talk down to you like a little kid because you may not know something that he does. He likes to boast about all the programming languages he knows. He’s a real bore, too, and he’ll talk to people for as much as an hour at a time about God-knows what. I avoid him as much as possible.

The other guy I don’t like is just an asshole, plain and simple. He talks loudly and asks embarrassing questions just because he knows it will make people uncomfortable. Also, like the uber-geek, he likes to find out what you know and don’t know and then he’ll call attention to the fact that you don’t know what he does.

Some other notable co-workers:

Pen Collector Lady: She has about four dozen pens mounted to a rack that hangs from her cubicle wall. Her entier cubicle is decorated with things like miniature rock waterfalls, a pagoda with a rotating light on the inside, a vase with what looks like flowers that light up with fiber optic strands, etc. her work space is impeccably neat and I have never seen a stray piece of paper anywhere around her desk. I have to wonder if she ever does any actual work.

Stand-Up Guy: No, he’s not a comedian, nor does he try to be (he’s quite serious, actually). Quite literally, he chooses to stand at his workstation. He has his keyboard and monitor mounted up high where he can stand while he works. Nothing wrong with the guy, I just find this preference to be rather unusual.

Stuffed Animal Zookeeper: Her cubicle looks like a carnival game with the managerie of teddy bears, dogs, cats, turtles which completely encircle her work area.

Street Sign Guy: He has a SPEED LIMIT 10 sign hanging from the side of his cubicle with a Post-It note claiming that he did not steal the sign. He also has a set of street name signs which intersect (Main St. and State St.) I don’t know where he would have gotten this since these two streets in my area exist, but do not intersect.

Power Sneezer: Every morning he’ll let out a series of loud HAT-CHOOOOOOOO!'s and his voice will go up to a falsetto during the “choo…!” part.

Dr. Pepper Can Collector: Every now and then someone probably comes along to tell this guy to clear his work area of all the cans and bottles he allows to accumulate. I have seen as many as 40-some cans (about 80% Dr. Pepper, 15% Coke and 5% bottled water).

Happy Birthday Singer: If someone tells this guy that it’s someone’s birthday he will go to that person’s desk and sing Happy Birthday. Loudly. Off-key. With a courtesy applause from everyone within a 50-foot radius. I’m surprised he hasn’t gotten kicked in the nuts for doing this (because I’d do it if he came to my desk and did this).

I work in a large cubicle-filled area. I’ll describe some notables in the office:

The Hyena - she’s got an office, and the acoustics are such that whatever noise she makes bounces off her wall, out into the hall, and right into my cubicle. She’s one of those people who thinks EVERYTHING is funny. How are you? Oh, I’m fine (giggle)!

The Crazy Insane Woman - she talks to herself. Out loud. A lot. When in the bathroom. When walking down the hall. She’s doing that whole “what I should have said” thing, so you can hear her telling the world off. She also has a tendency to spray herself midday with a godawful amount of perfume. It blankets the ENTIRE area with a breathtaking fog.

We’ve also got a loud sneezer. Poor guy has allergies, so he’s going to at least fire off 3-5 at a time.

Then there’s just a bunch of quiet accounting types. At about 4pm, the place gets as silent as a ghost town.

Biker trash, the lot of 'em.
(Oh wait, that’s me…)
Most of my direct coworkers are rednecks from all four points of the compass with a lot of geeks mixed in. There’s a real esprit de corps here; we really do get along.

I work at a Tutoring center, and I am actually the oldest tutor working there at a crusty age of 22 :eek: . This is the first job where I worked with people younger than me, and so it has amounted to some interesting individuals-

The Jynx I’ll be working with this guy on a quiet day (not many people at the center) and he’ll make some comment, “Gee there’s not a lot of people here today”. As soon as he leaves, the center will suddenly become packed. This can happen at the most illogical times, like 30 minutes before closing time :mad: I swear this guy Jynxes me every time he makes that comment :stuck_out_tongue:

The Doppleganger This is a girl who has gained appeal to the center director by mimicking her in every way . Its seriously disturbing, but the center director likes it (who knows, maybe it builds up her ego to have a girl imitate her :confused: ). Also she has the annoying habit of having to correct everyone else about what they’re doing wrong, but if someone points out something she’s doing wrong, she either ignores them entirely, or playfully blows them off.

The robot This guy is the source of some of my jealosy at the center because he got hired the exact same time I did but got promoted a few months ago while I did not. I figure it has to be the fact that he is probably an android or something- the guy is totally emotionless, and is always pressing to put in like 3x as many hours as everybody else. Frankly, as long as I posses a frontal lobe, I’ll never be able to oust this guy :frowning:

The frowner He gets a lot of flack from the Director because he doesn’t smile. See, he’s one of these people whose ‘neutral’ facial expressions makes it look like he’s frowning/upset. The Director is always telling this guy to ‘smile more’. The kids are afraid of him; not a lot of 5-year-olds feel comfortable with sour-faced, muscle-bound bald guy hovering over them (he looks like a younger, angrier Mr. Clean)

The peacenik I don’t mind people’s beliefs but when they try to push their agenda on others, it starts to get on my nerves. I don’t think it appropriate for 3rd graders to be lectures by their tutors about all police and laywers are corrupt by nature :dubious: and George Bush is evil yadda yadda yadda. Apparently peace protests are more important to her than her job because she skips work every other weekend to go to them. Fortunately for me, she’s quitting this June and going away to college where she’ll have plenty of time to burn flags and spit on police cars.

My company is small, employee-wise. I was their second hire. We’re a national ISP that has probably about 50,000 customers and a total of 9 employees. (1 web developer, 1 multimedia/advertising guy, the rest of us are tech geeks.) Our work environment (not the physical one but what we do as a job) changes from day to day, and some days, minute to minute. “Oh, we’re supporting that now?” is often heard. While I wouldn’t call us a startup, it has that feel, without the transiency.

The day shift is me (punkskateravergeek), the old school punk rock/hardcore guy, the “other guy”, and “the cheerleader”. She somehow manages to fit in with us unwashed geeks/pierced people (me) and we haven’t corrupt her too much. She’s one of the few women I’ve met that could work in this environment and not be like “Eew.”

The night shift is two “car guys”, another punkhardcoremetal guy with many piercings, and another guy who is hard to pidgeonhole. Kinda outdoorsy/musician. And the skinny dude we call “the tweaker” cuz he eats so much sugar.

Our web developer is “the quiet one”. But he plays drums in a local band. He was their first hire. He’s the only one that’s been there longer than me.

Our bosses are late 30somethings with small children. They work a lot of hours, and a lot of strange hours. Sometimes I’ll come in at 9 am to find the boss has been there since 3 am. Some days, they won’t come in at all and we’re on our own. Some weeks, one will be in France, the other in Chicago. No biggie, things get done. They are very fair and accomodating people to work for. They think of me as family.

We have 2 drummers and 3 guitar players (one of the drummers also plays guitar). There are a total of 4 bands represented by our company. (The drummer/guitar player is in at least 2 bands.)

We fit the Gen X/slacker profile pretty damn well. We’re lazy, whiny, and drink too much caffiene. But we work very well as a team and keep things going. We’re also very tight, so it’s gotten hard to hire. We’ve established this group dynamic that would probably be very intimidating to someone new. We’re welcoming but we have our own language and injokes and stuff, so the boss worries if he hires anyone we’ll get “organ transplant syndrome” and the newcomer won’t fit right. So while we need to hire, we’re also afraid to hire.

We work together 6 days a week, and we hang out together quite regularly. When the day shift goes home we keep tabs on the night shift in a chat room. When my uncle died and a bunch of other bad stuff happened the same day, the guys sent me flowers. Sometimes, they forget I’m a chick, and I get treated like one of the guys, which is fine with me. They have become fiercely protective of me of late, making sure I’m okay and stuff. They threaten to take me out and hang out with me, which keeps me sane.

So not only do I have great coworkers, I have great friends.

I don’t have coworkers-I have fellow students. Most of them I like, or don’t care much about, but there are a few exceptions.

ROTC-Obsessed Jerk He’s in ROTC, he likes to wear shirts with the sleeves rolled all the way up so we can see his tattoo, he acts like he is sooooo macho, and he has really awful teeth. He also smells and mumbles, so you can’t understand him, and he has no sense of humor.

Creepy Dorky Guy He’s nice enough, I guess, but a bath or two would not be amiss. And maybe not always playing Yu-Gi-Oh at lunch might help. And maybe not everyone is interested in your cards games. You never know.

There’s me, the optimist. I take on insanely huge challenges, work long days, and always have a smile on my face, regardless of whether I’m in a good mood. And if I’m in a good mood, I’m singing as well. I’m the first to volunteer to help someone out. As a result, I get taken advantage of occasionally.

There’s Matt, the sarcastic upper-class general manager. He has this air about him, like he’s suited for so much more than Wendy’s management. He always has a sarcastic remark. And his appearance has to be perfect, or he’s not happy. He once lost the button to his back pocket, and it was as if his world had ended. He left early that day to re-sew his button on. We’ve recently become good friends, and will spend hours sitting in the office talking after we’re off. He’s the kind of guy I could see myself dating, if he weren’t my boss

And there’s Michelle. She’s been with the company the longest, almost 7 years now. When a new procedure comes out, she’s the first to fight it. Very set in her ways. Older managers are like that…“It always worked before, why do I have to change?” Very sweet woman.

That’s our management team…our crew consists of about 30 employees, most of which have been there for at least 4 years now. Very close, very hard workers. They never call in sick, will stay late, will do anything you ask of them. You couldn’t ask for a better group of employees.

From the job I recently quit (largely because of them):

The Boss-Well, the head of our department, anyway. The man never made a decison in his life. So they fired him. He kept coming back to the building every day anyway, to see if he could “be of any help” to the new boss.

Fibber McGee-We called him FM behind his back so he wouldn’t know. He claimed he was the voice of McGruff the Crime Dog, had slept with several models before they were famous, and was the inspiration for U2’s early work.

Polyanna-It rains lemondrops and cookies in Polyanna’s world. She’s offensive without knowing it. Polyanna to coworker who had just lost a baby: “You can have another one! A better one!” Polyanna gives everyone a fifth, sixth, and seventh chance. Everyone should be Polyanna’s religion. Everyone should be on Polyanna’s diet. Everyone should live in Polyanna’s neighborhood.

The Bitch-The Bitch does about 5 minutes worth of work every quarter or so. She oversees the translations. She used to do the translations, but now the company outsources them. If I needed something translated, I sent it to the service, they sent it back to me, and I used it. The Bitch is still employed because she is scromping the 3rd highest (married) guy in the company. She spends about 6 hours a day on the phone with him. She likes to be confrontational and hostile to people, and then pretend like she doesn’t speak English. I think I traded her for another irritating coworker in the pit one time, but I forget who the lucky winner was.

The Coolest Boss I’ve Ever Had-She got the hell outta Dodge, and I was not long for the Company’s world after that. Now we get together and drink and mock our former coworkers.

These people all work at a large, multinational corporation that makes products you use every day. I encourage you to be scared.

I work with a bunch of nurses.

The Boss --She wouldn’t be so bad if she just took the time to learn how to operate her own computer!

The Clinical Director --This woman needs a lesson in patience. My shift starts at 7. At 7:01 she will be in my office demanding reports, and god forbid, if I tell her to wait, her voice raises, her face turns red, and she will give you a lecture on how to manage your time.

Staff Nurses --These ladies are generally nice, however they are dumb when it comes to simple tasks. It seems like I give an inservice everyday on how to operate the copy machine.

Funny that I just rented the movie Teachers tonight, because some of these characters are really my teacher co-workers.

The general catagories of teachers are:

young and idealistic

old and burnt out

young and tough

old and still with it

of course some of my co-workers are much more colorful…

Those who bother the Art Teacher especially are:

The Aggravator- This teacher sends a student to interrupt my class for a last minute pain in the butt request like, “Can I have 60 sheets of construction paper in XYZ color(s), now?” This is why I no longer order construction paper. Order your own.

The Task Master- “Would you make one of your students do XYZ?” No. I don’t ask your best chemistry student to mix my paints, stop asking my students to do your grunt work, they are supposed to be learning here.

The Superior- “Well, I’m a Math Teacher*, I’ll always have a job. You as the (lowly) Art Teacher are lucky to be employed.” This really pisses me off and will earn any teacher an honored place on My List. Hope you never need a bulletin board, calligraphy, markers, erasers, colored chalk or my saliva if you were to catch on fire.

The Ghetto Fabulous- No, I am not making a racist joke, anybody can fit into this category. Some teachers are loud, obnoxious and annoying as all hell in order to get students to do things. Fine. Just turn it off for the love of all things great and small if we are in a faculty meeting. These teachers make meetings awful, I’d rather supervise the 40 Tourette’s Syndrome, ADD kids than deal with this ignorant yelling.
*All the teachers that have said this are Math Teachers, however, many of the teachers I especially like are Math or Science teachers. I do not wish any harm against Math Teachers in general, only a select few who are headed for the 2.1479th circle of Hell.