What are your feelings about this woman?

I feel that she is a woman who blogs about fat fashion and crafting. Those are two things I’m also interested in, so I feel that she could be an interesting person to meet.

He finds her beautiful and we’re terrible people if we think otherwise.


The Venn diagram showing “My interests” and “Things represented on this blog page” would have a very wide gap between the two circles.

Just another tiresome episode of a male Doper going “Look at me! I’d be willing to fuck a fat chick! See? I’m not shallow like those other jerks!”


Kinda this. There are lots of clothes she could wear that would compliment her body-type and overall appearance. Instead, she’s wearing clown clothes: garish, exaggerated, loud, and attention-demanding.

She could easily be a queen, but chooses, instead, to be a melodrama queen.

Could just be shallow and indiscriminate.

I don’t like her at all. Tries way too hard. Has a fashion(?) blog but can’t dress. I can see her roots in every picture. (If that’s he look she’s going for, it’s not a good one.) Needs some sun. Too much makeup. Everything about her says “Look at me! I’m trying to compensate for being enormous but I don’t know how!”

I don’t give an airborne fornication. I find it hard to think of things I care less about than fashion; as it’s her primary interest I don’t expect we’d get on all that well.

Well from now on, I’m only going to do thin attractive women to prove to you guys I’m not an attention whore.

Gah! The things I do for you guys!


…to eat.

I now know a good way to avoid cumming too soon in bed.

Just looking through the pictures from the fashion show, I couldn’t figure out which one “she” was. But as a plus-size woman, the fashions did absolutely nothing for me. I wouldn’t necessarily agree with the “clown clothes” comment, but there was nothing in the collection that made me say, “Ooh, that’s nice! I’d like to own/wear that!” and nothing that I could admire anyone for wearing.

She probably can cook a nice cake, has not revealed any racist or homophobic thoughts, doesn’t seem to be particularly sociopathic. She’s possibly nicer than 33.3% of the people I meet.

She’s all about that bass.

I love how a perfectly average-proportioned young woman is so much bigger than the typical (white American) pop star that she can unironically perform a novelty song about being thick. :smack: :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe “Hollywood fat” will be the new “Hollywood ugly.”

The page is taking an eternity to load for me at home; it was blocked at work.

I could never, ever find a morbidly obese person attractive. Ever!

For one, she wouldn’t be able to keep up with me doing things I like to do. For two, she has a serious disorder that needs addressing. For three, I couldn’t fuck her no matter how hard I tried to get over my disgust.

Hey, nothing against people with a few extra pounds, or even well above their ideal BMI, but this chick is morbid.


Yeah, my primary opinion of her is that she and I have wildly different aesthetics and I wouldn’t like most of the clothes she’s writing about in any size.

I thought most of the “fashion show” clothes were poorly designed. There are ways to flatter bodies of any size, but these ain’t it. The dresses / blouses didn’t drape well at all.

Only one I liked wasn’t even part of the show: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UAMwJZwgfoI/U-PlIIJw99I/AAAAAAAAAaI/IwmLAqsVUFw/s1600/mr7vaDfXP-RItfpVzj-mgyrtJw-zTHVa6GjWEwtijAQ.jpg

The black-and-white bikini was okay. The drag queen was pretty fabulous.