What are your New Year’s Eve plans?
I went with No. 1 for lack of a better choice.
A friend from back east will be visiting us over New Years. We will be going to Virginia City where there is a prime rib buffett and three drinks for $25 party at the Piper Opera House. There’s a very good chance we will be home before 12.
I’m traveling out of state to a family birthday party.
Voted on 2, but we are actually hosting the party. Well, another couple. Just 4 of us and we are to have cheese fondue, lobster/steak, then chocolate fondue.
The night will involve some drinking but mostly games:
Settlers of Catan
Mexican Dominoes
Killer Bunnies
A couple Kinect games
I’m going to a kegger.
I’m pretty sure I’ll continue to read whatever she decides to post.
San Francisco for the Furthur shows.
Option 1 is as close as it gets for me–I’ve got tix to the Gogol Bordello NYE show here in New York. I’m looking forward to it.
I am going to stay home alone with a good book/movie. I’ll probably be in bed by 11:00.
I was invited to a few parties, but I really just don’t want the bother. I really hate holidays and how they screw with my schedule.
Other: party with friends at home AND go out later.
Same as the last decade or so - hang out at home and probably fall asleep before midnight. I can’t remember the last time I saw the ball drop.
I’m driving out of state with my brother to visit friends in Vermont and will be doing the day long Montpelier First Night activities.
I’ll be at home this year. But I can see the main fireworks from the end of my street, so I’ll stroll out and have a look at them just before midnight.
Same thing I do every night Pinky, stare at my computer.
I can forget about going to bed early as the yelling and whatnot will start about 11:45pm and go on for about an hour or so. There may even be gunfire.
We’re still working on the specifics, but we’re going to see one of the Merce Cunningham company’s farewell performances, have dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, and then maybe go to a party with some friends.
Other: working late shift NYE and morning shift NYD, so no partying for me.
I’ll be with friends. NYE is also my birthday!
I’ll be home, maybe writing, drink a couple beers, maybe a tequila sunrise (if I buy grenadine & OJ) I don’t have a working TV to watch, nowhere to go. Just hanging out with the critters & making a few of my favorite snacks.
Stay off the roads - I would consider driving anywhere only if a family member had a life-threatening medical emergency. NYE is rightly nicknamed “Amateur Night” around here.
We’re going to Savannah. Never been there before. No real plans on NYE except to take advantage of the generous open container laws.