A comprehensive list of crappy songs that became popular would stretch to the moon and back. But what about those classic songs that are widely, if not universally loved by the public and critics alike… but you hate anway? These are the songs that most people would be surprised or even offended to learn somebody else absolutely couldn’t stand.
The biggest offender for me is Don McLean’s “American Pie”. It’s pretentious, self-indulgent tripe and when it pops up on a radio station you know you’ll have to avoid that part of the dial for 20 minutes because it’s also ridiculously long.
“Paradise By The Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf. I especially hate this at family weddings, where my mom and everyone in my family is singing along to this dirty song about doin’ it in the car!
Sorry to hear your mileage varied ;). Just to be clear, I love the genre and the era – Beach Boys et al., but also some Jefferson Airplane et al. – so it really is the song (and its production) I can’t stand.
“Dream On” by Aerosmith leaps to mind. Mainly due to having heard it far too many times. It’s just the tip of the iceberg, really.
Also anything by Boston.