Oh, Colibri, I envy you each time I see your username.
Great Blue Heron, green heron, and kingfishers, wood ducks, and mallards around the creek.
These visit the feeders or the ground below and I see these every day: eastern bluebird, indigo bunting, evening grosbeak, blue jay, crow, robin, thrasher, mockingbird, towee, turkey, wren, cardinal, titmouse, chickadee, grass sparrow, house sparrow, house finch, goldfinch, nuthatch, yellow bellied sapsucker, hairy woodpecker, downy woodpecker, yellow bellied woodpecker.
All summer: kingbird, flycatcher, barn swallow, cliff swallow, bluebirds, mockingbirds, and cedar waxwings catch insects in the yard.
In or around the yard and field every day: The Cooper’s hawk also frequents the feeders- but not for the seed. Red tail hawk, screech owl, Great Gray owl, quail, grouse (hear them drumming in Spring, rarely see one) and a pair of Pilated woodpeckers. Last year a rose-breasted grosbeak pair stopped at the feeders during migration.
I am in the moutains in the Southeast inside city limits of a busy and polluted town, but I have a creek in my front yard, and mountains and open fields on all four sides. I feed thistle, gray mammoth sunflower, suet, and a millet and cane mix all winter, and I feed a little seed and hummingbirds in the summer.