What branded product has remained unchanged for the longest time?

Okay, here’s one for consideration: Ichimonjiya Wasuke

8 minute video:

The Levis 501 jeans have been around since around 1890 (I think). They look the same as they did many years ago.

Yes - they also changed the plug at the end: now it’s almost completely flat (a slight curve); it used to be thicker - maybe 1 millimeter or so.

The cap was likely due to lawsuits about suffocation - if you were chewing on it and inhaled it, or something.

I think the basic design, aside from those tiny details, is unchanged.

They no longer have the rivets at the four corners of the back pockets nor the crotch rivet.

The crotch rivet was removed due to complaints from cowboys squatting around the campfires, and said rivet heating up too much.

The pocket rivets were removed after complaints from schools that the seats of their desks were being scratched up too much by the rivets.

While they may not have known what it was microscopically or the biological actions, they certainly knew berme/godisgood was essential. They didn’t just free-ferment all their beers, lambic-style, but often carefully preserved the yeast from one batch to the next. Certainly, the 13th C. mead recipe I’ve used says " tak drestis of þe fynest ale or elles berme and kast in to þe water & þe hony." ( Take the lees from the finest ale or else yeast and cast into the water and the honey)

Didn’t they also add belt loops somewhere along the way? I don’t think they where on the originals.

Ames shovels. Founded two years before Paul Revere’s ride. (Although the handle for the classic “dirt” shovel is now fiberglass.)

My ca. 1970 Ames Snow Pushers with 30" wide aluminum “buckets” and steel blades are still my shovels of choice when clearing show. Sturdy enough to dig down to the pavement, steel edge to chop through ice, light enough to lift, and wide enough that light snows can be gathered together and cleared in a jiffy.

TrueTemper sells a similar model but it is only 24" wide.

That’s a cheat, as Trajan was inspired by the (hand) lettering on Trajan’s column. The column didn’t use the Trajan font.

I assumed that’s what Dinsdale meant when referring to “the decades old package you grew up with being changed.”

The Bialetti Moka Pot hasn’t changed one jot since 1933.

Hot on its heels was one of my personal favourites, The KitchenAid model K, designed in 1937 and barely changed since.

A Bic was lying at a certain angle the other day, and it said “MEXICO.” Wouldn’t surprise me if the old ones were mede elsewhere.

I find it interesting on shows like American Pickers, when they will come across some really old jeans. They call in an expert who points out any number of changes over the years. Often the REALLY old ones will be OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive - even if worn to pieces. AIUI, back then the jeans were literally “worn out”, so very few remain.

Yeah - no matter how clear you try to be in an OP, threads often take on a life of their own.

Oh, good one! I have some of those. Surprisingly effective.

It’s a niche item, but Lena Blackburne’s Baseball Rubbing Mud has been used to prepare baseballs for professional games since 1938. It still comes for the original source: a mudhole on the shore of the Delaware River in Longport, NJ. The actual location is a trade secret.

New baseballs are too shiny and slick to be used in a game, so the mud is used to remove the shine. Some football teams also use it.


The mudhole is from a tributary of the Delaware River, but it’s definitely not in Longport (which is on the Atlantic Ocean, just south of Atlantic City - that’s where the company is now headquartered). The actual site is probably on the Pennsauken Creek, a tributary of the Delaware in Burlington County, New Jersey, but that’s a guess as it’s actual location is a closely held secret

The first product that popped into my mind is from the fashion world, of all things.

Chanel Nº 5 — the packaging and even the bottle are largely unchanged. The stopper on the bottle has undergone a few redesigns, but overall, it’s been 100 years and it’s become iconic.


Pontificia_Fonderia_Marinelli bells have been made since at least 1339:

The firm’s managers still apply the same lost wax casting technique that the firm’s founders used nearly a thousand years ago.

So, an impulse buy today, because of this thread. I haven’t had Neccos in years. They’re not the best tasting candy but they are part of American history.

Folger and Maxwell House Coffee.

They switched to plastic cans. But they still look the same. The coloring and logo is very distinctive.

Angostura Bitters - a must for any well-stocked bar – have used the same recipe since 1824. The label is essential the same (deliberately oversized), though an image of a medal featuring Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I was added in 1873.