What can I use to get lotion on my back?

During my current struggle with the dreaded Dry Winter Skin™, I’ve found a lotion that works great for me. The dry patches are clearing up all over my body, except my back. This is because I can’t manage to get lotion to the spots on my back that are really itchy and dry. Instead, there’s a streak that I can reach that is doing much better, and the rest of my back remains itchy.

I know I need to be able to get lotion on these areas. I live alone and don’t have any friends nearby that I’d feel comfortable asking to spread lotion on my back. I’ve tried various means, but have yet to find one that works for me (methods tried include taking the flat back of a hairbrush and using it to spread the lotion. I’m sure it would have been an amusing sight, but I would have kept doing it if it worked).

I can’t put moisturizers in the bath water, as I’ve never found one that I don’t freak out in an allergic reaction with, so that’s out. I hate baby oil, so I won’t use that - it just feels nasty to me. I like this lotion, and it works, in the places I can reach.

Any tips?

I’ve never used one, but it looks like this might work:


Get one of those cheapo plastic air matresses and dump some of your chosen lotion on, get down and squirm. The advantage here is if you spread the entire length of it, you can apply it over your entire body at once.

I can almost see the late night TV ads now…the Lotion WallowTM.

Hehehehe… Homer Simpson used a stick with a rag on it when he wanted to bathe himself in one particular episode. I am not saying that you are as big as him during that show but it would probably work regardless of your size.

Now for the important question - what in the world did you fnd that helped??? What is this magical lotion?


I’m using Curel fragrance free - I haven’t had any sort of allergic reaction to it, and it’s working better on skin that’s just dry than my most recent prescription medication, though I continue to use that when the eczema creeps up on me.
The Lotion Wallow™ sounds delightful. Really. Fun for the whole family. :stuck_out_tongue:

I use the backhand applicator shown here:
http://www.yearroundtan.com/ourproducts.htm (scroll all the way down until you see it)

You could dillute the lotion and put it in a spray bottle.

Get a monkey and train it?

Take yoga classes so you can reach your back? (and do lots of other fun things?)

Sorry, I’m just no help today.

It’s a little pricey, but I finally broke down and ordered this
lotion applicator from solutionscatalog.com and I’m really happy with it.

You can’t see them in the picture, but it has a bunch of little roller balls that dispense the lotion, sort of like the way roll-on deodorant works. It dispenses a nice thin layer of lotion, not too globby or so much that it needs to be rubbed in. On the other hand, if you want more lotion, you can just apply more layers.

There’s a lid that screws on over the roller balls, but that’s more for keeping dust and lint off them than to prevent leaking. I keep mine hanging vertically from a hook, and it still doesn’t leak. It’s easy to refill; the back just screws off so you can squirt more lotion in. All of the parts are easy to clean – you can even put them in the top rack of the dishwasher. Plus the handle slides off so that it’s easier to pack when you travel. Overall, it’s well-designed and sturdily made.

I’m actually planning to order a second one to keep in my gym locker; that’s how much I love this thing.