What Celebrity Should Call It Quits?

Michael Jackson

I’ll second Gadfly’s nomination of Courtney Love.

She makes you understand how her husband could eat that shotgun.

Did Courtney ever make it big? I am not a fan and have not followed her band HOLE.

This sounds like an argument as to why he should call it quits.

George Bush
Dick Cheney
Donald Rumsfield
et al

Another person perplexed at the inclusion of Dave Grohl.
And I’d like to add Michael Jackson. Please go away.

Well, you know who she is and you know the name of her band even though you don’t follow her. I’d say that’s making it big.

I don’t like a lot of people on Isabelle’s initial list, but I don’t think any of them should quit, especially not Dave Grohl or Quentin Tarentino. What makes you think they’ve reached their peak?

Michael Jackson is scary, but every so often he’ll do something bizarre and hilarious, so I say we keep him.

He’s a USA-based comedian famous for his rants and wide-ranging references that incorporate everything from classical music and literature to pro wrestling and 1970’s cartoons. He also spent a season as a commentator on the NFL’s “Monday Night Football” telecasts. Many of Miller’s long-time fans are disappointed by the fact he’s become more conservative as he’s gotten older and become a family man. You can get a taste of his style by selecting any of the PAST RANTS from the menu on this page.

These are all great choices. We’ll get Pat Robertson on it immediately, see if we can start up a new Prayer Offensive. Maybe we can get these celebrities to be persuaded to retire. :wink:

Oh, speaking of which, I think Pat Robertson qualifies as a celebrity, I nominate him and his 700 Club. That’s entertainment???

Rolling Stones
Howard Stern
Rush Limbaugh
Melanie Griffith

Arnold Schwartzenegger :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d like to see Krist Novaselic replace Dave Grohl on the original list, then it will okay. (Dave seems to be getting some support here!)

To the list, please add:

Colin Quinn
John Travolta
Siegfried (The tiger took care of the rest)
Hillary Clinton

She told me she loved me like a brother. She was from Arkansas, hence the Joy!

Mariah Cary

Tom Arnold
Alec Baldwin
Drew Barrymore
Annette Benning
Jason Biggs
Sandra Bullock
Claire Danes
Danny Glover
Heather Graham
Dustin Hoffman
Tommy Lee Jones
Chris Klein
Christopher Lambert
Ali Larter
Dennis Leary
George Lucas
Matthew Perry
Julia Roberts
Susan Sarandon
James Spader
Jerry Springer
Sylvester Stallone
Meryl Streep
John Travolta

Just to name a few.

George W. Bush
Donald Rumsfield
Dick Cheney

I just noticed that Lux Interior stole my first response. So I’ll just add Celine Dion and shut up for the rest of the night.

Wow. Some of you people are harsh. I’m thinking the people who really need to be on this list are the ones who do infomercials.

Steve Guttenberg
Hulk Hogan
William Shatner
Steve Martin
Wayne Newton
Robert Goulet
Robert Englund
Englebert Humperdink
The Rolling Stones
The Beach Boys

But why? He only gets better looking!

Get these people off my TV on Monday and Thursday nights:

Triple H
Vince McMahon
Stephanie McMahon
Kevin Nash
Scott Steiner
Mark Henry
The Dudley Boyz
La Resistance