Help me settle a bet. Does anyone know which college the beloved creator of The Simpsons graduated from?
An interior and exterior car cleaning awaits your wisdom.
Help me settle a bet. Does anyone know which college the beloved creator of The Simpsons graduated from?
An interior and exterior car cleaning awaits your wisdom.
The perfect thread and somebody beats me to it. Oh well, I can confirm andygirl’s (Did you get the e-mail I sent?) answer. And The Evergreen State College (TESC) has been mentioned by Cecil himeself in the archives.
And “Groening” rhymes with “raining”.
Ages ago, I read an interview with him, and he was asked how his name is pronounced. He said that it rhymes with “complaining”. Of all the words to rhyme with, he chose “complaining”. I was amused.
Olympia was always the metropolis I visited as a young man growing up in Aberdeen, Washington. Therefore, I made a stupid bet that Matt Groening did not graduate from Evergreen. Gary Larson and Michael Richards I would have known but Groening was a surprise to me.
Oh well, several hours of car cleaning are waiting for me. Ignorance is bliss until one has to vacuum old french fries from between the front seats
Oh fine, send her one but you don’t send ME one. I’m just gonna go sulk in the corner.
It was a latin phrase for her to put on her door. Tell me what you have on your door and I’ll send you one.
Done! Check your mail.
Uh…BTW, I’m done hijacking the thread now, so if anyone wants to comment on the OP, go right ahead.
well of course any simpsons fan knows that he graduated from the Sringfiefd Heights Institute of Technology
damn i knew i couldnt pull that one off at 6:30am
I hate to break it to you, but according to this bio, Gary Larson went to Washington State University (a shame, I wish I could claim him as a fellow alum). Maybe you had him confused with Groening.
And I’ve never heard for sure that Michael Richards graduated from Evergreen, only that he attended.
What high school did he graduate from? Anyone know? Also, if he did graduate from Evergreen, that might explain Evergreen Terrace, I suppose.