What color clothes do you buy?

That’s what MrsRico has done to me. I generally prefer being The Tall Man In Black. Sure, many of my black tees bear messages, and many of those were gifts from MrsRico’s humorous sister who was once a major financial firm’s computer honcho. So I wear nerd jokes - fine with me. Like the one with an IBM punchcard labeled OLD SCHOOL. But MrsRico gets me vermilion and skyblue and charcoal outerwear and I act gracious. That’s only prudent.

There’s more, of course. We own semirecumbent BikeE bikes and wear bright canary-yellow fabrics to warn drivers. The Tall Man In Black is best afoot, not rolling. My formal cloak is of a multicolored jigsaw East African pattern. My old clown suit hides in the back of the closet, too. Don’t visualize that or you’ll have nightmares. :cool:

Pants are blue jeans or black, blue or dark grey slacks, shirts dark blue or green.

On the handcycle it’s black pants/tights and hi-viz greeny-yellow for shirts, gloves and helmet.

I’m transitioning to wearing barn clothes most of the time. When I lived closer to town and went to church, restaurants, public events, seminars, I developed a wardrobe built around jewel tones and peach/coral/salmon mainly. A selection of formal clothing (long skirts, dressy tops) for singing gigs and choirs – all of these black.

Now, it’s an unusual day that I don’t wear jeans and a cotton turtleneck of some dark color with a wool sweater over that and an insulated Carhartt canvas barn jacket which was once dull purple. In summer, jeans and a tank top (jewel tones).

I have a stack of tee shirts, but I have never taken to short sleeves for some reason and don’t wear them much.

Riding breeches are brown or black to hide dirt. Unexciting.

Hey, my favorite also! Or better yet, freebies.

Various shades of blue, pretty much without exception.

Sue me. I LOVE blue.

Mr.Wrekker wears camo shirts everyday. His laundry is easy.

If you can find it.

No yellows/oranges/pinks/purples. No very bright neon colors or pastels. No pure whites.

Otherwise most anything else, solid or patterned, dark or pale. Probably the brightest I’ll get is some reds, but I am inclined more towards a burgundy than a hot cinnamon red.

Lots of black, gray and denim blue. I also like olive drab, beige, brown, golden rod yellows. Earth tones I’d guess you’d say. Also from when I was doing a lot of walking and bike riding I have a lot of high visibility green.

Light blue, Navy Blue, Medium Red, Maroon, tan shirts. A muted yellow is fine.

I dislike black and pink. No bright yellow.

I’m comfortable wearing all these T shirt color choices except canary yellow, pink and lavender.

If I ordered right now, I’d select Royal blue, Sax, Slate, Ivy Green, and burgundy. They’re my favorite offered.

For work:
Shirts: The company gives us the option of yellow or blue. Everyone wears blue.
Slacks: The company gives us the option of brown, gray, or black. Everyone wears black.

When not at work, I usually wear blue jeans, which are, obviously, blue.
Shirts are all over the spectrum. Blue shirts slightly outnumber other colors.

I love blue, all shades. Ranging down into green with teal and turquoise, and up into purple with lavender and periwinkle. I also like coral, pink and pearl grey. And black! I actually like many colors, but blue is my favorite.

Wait. All y’all are wearing clothes? In quarantine?

I for one will not walk around nekkid in front of my daughter and SIL. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a Winter, so black, white & jewel tones (red, blue, green).

Like the overwhelming vast majority of natural redheads, I’m an autumn. With the exception of not adhering to no black/gray/navy because I think they look fine with a fair complexion and avoiding gold I do tend to wear the seasonally appropriate colors: many shades of blue, green, teal, brown, and beige/khaki.

I have a lot of black T-shirts mostly because most pro wrestling and band shirts use black as the background.

Blue, green, purple end of the spectrum with a preference for jewel tones. Given a choice between a shirt in white or black it will more likely be white in spite of my tendency to spill things all over myself. I do like patterns but keep to the cool end of the spectrum with those too. Only real exception is that I don’t mind burgundy, especially now that my hair is almost pure silver.

Same, but I go paler in summer, with a weakness for purple. Also teal is popping up more and more in my wardrobe.

I’ve preemptively cut my clothing up into squares, suitable for wiping. I assumed we were all on the same page.