What color clothes do you buy?

You cut yours into squares? :smack: Wish I’d thought of that…
Nah, seriously, I came in here expecting everyone to say all their clothes are black. Mine aren’t, but it’s only by conscious effort. I like colors too, but of course black is best.

I exclusively wear black pants for everyday wear. Anything else is crapshoot.

Blue, green, black, gray. Any other colours are either a gift or sport team (red sox , dolphins).

There really aren’t any colors or a given pallet that I stick to in general. Yellow or cream colors make me look very washed out, which teal or blue bring out my eyes and compliments my skin tone. I generally prefer cool colors over warm, but if something fits super well, I’ll likely buy it regardless (unless it has a pattern I despise - colors ultimately matter to me less than a pattern design).

I used to wear mostly all gaming shirts, which tend to be black, so that was my wardrobe. I since lost a LOT of weight, and with my new body comes a desire to compliment it with better clothes. So I’ve GREATLY expanded my wardrobe, although there will always be a place in my heart (and my closet) for the occasional gaming tee.

If you would have told me 4 years ago that today I’d be wearing a short dress over leggings with a cardigan, I would have laughed in your face.

I LOVE color - all colors!! I rarely wear black, white or beige. I usually wear jeans and my tops are just about every color there is. I love rich deep colors the best. My closet is full of peacock blue, turquoise, magenta, teal, purple, pink, yellow, orange, coral, olive green, hunter green, red, burgundy, rust - all shades of each of those colors. The black or white tops I have all have colorful prints on them. I don’t have a lot of pastel colors, but I’d wear pastels before I’d wear black or white. The only solid black item of clothing I own is a couple of pairs of black dress pants.

My sock drawer is full of colorful socks too. I don’t own a pair of white socks.

Wow, that’s great! Okay, universal rule: anyone who loses more than ten pounds deserves new pants. Over twenty, new wardrobe! (Gain it back, give it back. Harsh, but fair)

Yeah, I need to move somewhere that has less gaudy sports colors. Hmmm, I think all of Pittsburgh’s teams use black…

Black, grey, earthtones, blue for the most part.

Colorblind, so… gray. :wink:

Kidding, I don’t have achromatopsia, but my color perception is pretty weak. Color is a fairly fluid concept for me.

Name a color, and I’ve likely got it somewhere in my wardrobe, since I’m something of a clotheshorse. But I gravitate toward all shades of green, dark purples, bright and dark blues, and deep reds. I also like black and white.

There are some exceptions, but blues and grays seem to be the dominant colors in my wardrobe.

I’m glad to see I’m not the only one into color seasons! I’m an autumn, so I tend to go for a lot of warm, muted earth tones: almost every shade of green and brown/tan, and orangey shades of everything else: coral/salmon, rust, pumpkin, mustard, teal. And gold/copper, of course. But I do wear a fair amount of black and navy, especially to work, because it’s practical. I’ve been looking for a brown suit for years with no luck.

My rule is that I can buy one color per year. I pick the color on my birthday. I can buy anything I want if it’s that color.

Now when I say color, I don’t mean a neutral. I will always allow myself to buy a gray sweater, or black pants. Also, navy.

But if my color is dusty rose, then I can buy a whole outfit in dust rose should I happen to see a suitable one.

The item also doesn’t have to be ALL that color, for instance a forest-green skirt with dusty-rose roses might qualify for either a forest-green year or a dusty-rose year.

I am very, very good at looking at something in a store and knowing it will perfectly match something in my closet. (Although I have to say, with dusty rose, it always seems to be exactly the same color. Blues, not so much.)

This makes for easy color coordination, and also it gives me a year for the chosen color to trickle down from designer clothes to TJ Maxx.

This is also how I arrange my closet! My spouse thinks it is weird, but he can just stay out of my closet.

Blue jeans,
white tees, shirts and sweaters,
and light brown boots/sandals.

Interesting idea!
I’ve been reading lately about capsule wardrobes, but it seems too hard to get stuff that all goes together. I’m more of a “uniform” type…in my case, dress+heels+cardigan gets me through 80% of my life.

Since I have about 50 Aloha shirts in the closet, the spectrum is pretty much covered for my shirts.
The same is true for underwear.

Socks are either white or black. Pants are either blue (jeans), brown or black.

Hats are completely across the spectrum - I favor flat cap types and they are available in many colors.

Coats - blue or green

Shoes - Usually Van’s casuals. Colors are black, grey, or blue

Now if you really want to, let’s discuss watches. I have just about every color possible (I collect watches) and usually choose my shirts to go with my watch face color.
Weird, huh?

However, I mostly avoid yellow shirts or pants. Makes me look sallow. Otherwise, gimme some color!

I’m a winter, so strongly saturated colors and jewel tones are my friends. My skin color is Mediterranean olive with green-gold undertones. I love the color yellow-green—in sunny foliage, say—, but it’s the one color I absolutely cannot wear, as sunstone noted above, because of the sallow effect with my skin tone. Yellow, orange, and yellowish-green are entirely excluded from my wardrobe. Complementarily, magenta looks best on me.

It’s easier to say what colors I don’t buy. I own nothing purple or magenta or shocking pink. Those colors look terrible on me. I’m a warm spring, so deeper pastels are supposed to be MY colors. However, I love autumnal shades–caramel, navy, mustardy yellow. I also love warm pinks. And brown. But my go to for anything is navy.

Blues, grays, and blacks. Some black and white patterns. A couple of browns. I almost exclusively wear blue jeans, and dark T-shirts.

No yellows! No orange! No red!

My students always point out the days when I’m not wearing all black. They tend to assume something is wrong.