What could these tree "fruits" be?

Not to mention when they splat open on your shiny white newly washed car :mad:

We have a black walnut tree in our tiny backyard. I hate the thing. If it weren’t going to cost me $500+ to get it chopped down and hauled off, it would already be out of there. It’s a MESS…it litters leaflets like rain, and then the twigs fall off, too. It shades the ENTIRE YARD. It gives off a chemical which kills all other plantlife (seriously). Nothing grows under it but wild onion, violets and nightshade. It’s horrible.

And this time of year it drops those 1/2 pound balls of destruction on our lean-to addition, with the metal roof, and makes me jump about every half-hour. Doesn’t do the poor cats’ nerves much good, either…

If its a nice Black walnut tree it should be worth something. There have been cases of tree theft (I heard this, cannot prove).
Did you advertise it, Like make an offer??

found something,

Walnuts have three skins; the thin green fleshy outer rind, the wooden gnarled nut case everybody knows, and finally, a papery thin brown covering of the white flesh. With fresh walnuts, this last thin skin still comes off easily. Peeling it is fun in the same way that peeling peanuts can be, and the fresh white nut without the skin tastes even more delicately delicious.

So, where in central PA are you located? And is there a direction in which the tree can fall without taking out anything important?

I have a couple of good chainsaws and a certain amount of experience in felling trees. I wouldn’t be able to cart off all the tops and branches, but might well be able to get the tree safely on the ground.

We’re in Lancaster. Unfortunately, it’s probably going to have to be removed in place…we live in a rowhouse. The tree is about a foot and a half from one building, 3 feet from our deck, about 10 feet from another building, and about 8 feet from the fence that divides us from the next door neighbor. I’d guess it’s about 30 or 40 feet tall. And the only access to our backyard is through an enclosed passageway between the rowhouses. Believe me, most of that fee would be for dealing with the special circumstances.


You haven’t had a ripe juicy one in your hand. You may be describing an American Walnut, but they are a mess to. The ones I have are a dirty mess. just like a gob of dark stain. as that is what it is used for by many.
I have 2 walnut trees in the yard. They are a mess this time of the year, and one was broken may times when it was small by kids walking by on the sidewalk. It is a short tree, but it might make a good stock for a flintlock rife in a few years.

I smile at comparison of a black walnut to a Granny Smith apple. But I grew up with walnut & pecan trees, not apple trees.

Definitely not quince. Quince aren’t stone fruit, but pomes, with lots of seeds.