What decade is it?

I do remember the 80’s and I have a best of the 90’s cd, but what the heck is this decade called…the zeros?..the double otts, and ideas, what did they call it in 1900?

Cecil was stumped by this question. He was also stumped by a similar question in another column.

When asked what people called the first decade of the 20th century, he found out that they didn’t call it anything.

So, if this question perplexes our Perfect Master, I’m not optimistic for a firm answer anytime soon.

It’s Dubya’s decade.

Don’t like it? Blame Florida.


I’m leaning toward the Tookay’s. 2k, etc, etc.

Eh, don’t look at me to be funny. I’m at work.

I’m rather partial to the “aughts”, although that does sound pretty old-fashioned.

I like “oughts.”


The decade of insipid music.

I’ve just been going with the k’s. So this is k2 and next year will be k3. The next decade will take care of itself.



‘Naughties’ does it for me.

The two that I’ve heard and like best are: the Os (the ohs) and the Preteens.

i like the abe-simpson style aughts. as in 'back in aught-two when the sdmb was only a cardboard box and a 2b pencil. and there were only two forums. and we had to walk fifteen miles in the snow barefoot to get there. and when you did, some moderator had moved you post to the other one. which was fifteen miles away!"