What did Beyonce do?

I’m not certain that I agree with you (actually, I’m not certain just how I come down on this). But you stated your opinion in a very effective way. IMHO, you made a good post.

Thank you.:slight_smile:

Agreed. Art isn’t just to “look pretty” (or whatever); it’s to convey a message.

This is entertainment bought and paid for by Pepsi and other sponsors for the Super Bowl. This ain’t art.

But paintings & architecture bought & paid for by corrupt popes or grand dukes with tertiary syphilis are art! Because Dead White Guys.

Feel free to critique any kind of art any way you like. But you don’t get to define what is & isn’t art.

Surely you don’t mean that no commissioned art is real art?

Not sure what you’re getting at there… they’ve been pitch-black for a decade now.

Thank you!


There is criticism both ways, but the correlations are heads over heels.

One group supports Confederate flag-waving and is astounded that anyone could take offense against this demonstration of traditional American values. These people generally abhor the insolent and hostile political gestures of Beyoncé, which implicitly support crime, alien religion, anti-police activism, liberal politics and worse.

But I and others feel that continued discrimination against blacks, e.g. in police relations, justifies black protests. Confederate flag-waving is also protected free speech, but that culture has a bad track record: Flagwaving groups have fired at peaceful black protestors; and it is a flagwaver, and not a modern-day Black Panther, who gunned down Christians in Calinkey.

In Soviet Russia, art critiques YOU!

I’ve never heard someone in this group argue that people are too easily offended today, only the first group you listed.

All of the professions except politician and pundit. When I was at Home Depot buying some tile in 2004, the salesman casually mentioned that if Bush was reelected the draft would be reinstated and he might be forced to fight in the war. I knew this was insane but still bought the tile from him because it had nothing to do with what I was getting from the transaction.
A singer’s job is to make pretty songs, not study politics. So it should not be surprising when a singer has stupid political views. It makes as much sense to go to a singer for political views as it does to go to a juggler, or a circus clown. As long as they are entertaining they are doing their job and that is enough.

Well, that case could be a injustice or not, depending on who you listen to. Woods had seriously injured a random bystander with a knife, refused to drop said knife and was cut down by a fusillade of firepower. Altho i can see why the overkill can been seen as a overreaction, the man was a dangerous armed felon, and things dont go well for those when they confront the police., so it hardly qualifies as a gross injustice. And how the death of a single armed felon can be “gross injustice done* to a minority group”* is beyond me.

Whole genres of performers and their fans would disagree with you on that.

Totally bizarre statement. Do you think there’s some job description written down somewhere?

A politician’s job isn’t to study politics either. At heart, it’s to win elections. There are plenty of elected politicians who have the connections, talent, or luck to do that part of their job effectively and whose political opinions are a good deal less nuanced and thoughtful than Beyonce’s. Some of them have commented on Beyonce recently.

I never noticed anything political about the performance/costumes/whatever until I heard people were clucking their tongues about it.

Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Nina Simone, John Prine and many, many others might disagree.

Not to mention Woody Guthrie.

Or Roger Waters or Jello Biafra or…

And no one went to her for political insights. She put on the show she wanted to, people watched it. I’m not into football or Beyonce’s music, but good for her for upsetting the delicate.

Art has always been an important component of social commentary and reform. And the idea that you need to “shut up” unless you have credentials to have a political opinion is so radically disrespectful of one’s fellow citizens and human beings that anyone who says that really deserves to be slapped across the face in turn by everyone in the country.

Someone who says that might just be an asshole, but saying it about Beyoncé makes comfortable to presume that such a person is a racist and sexist.