what do I do about racist ethnic mods on major forums?

Maybe they could be identified in some manner, with, like a tattoo or something?

Oh God yes:

What possible difference does it make? This all sounds like a cut scene from Borat.

I can see you focus solely on physical traits. In fact, you only take into consideration complexion and face type. I’m afraid there are a host of other aspects that you should consider as well so that you can make an informed/educated judgement or decision.

Now, I’ve traveled a thousand times through Turkey and I know for a fact that ethnically the Turkish are a very heterogeneous population. In contrast, Indians make a way more homogeneous population and I wonder why one would want to discriminate between North and South Indians.

Well, you’ve got to start somewhere

  1. Colorism: I looked back at 2011 and I disliked how they debuted two white-skinned bands, with one band member being half-south-indian (so not only did they know about South Indians, they tokened a white skinned one!). A lot of second generation gay South Indians consider North Indians to be ugly.

  2. Pro-Pakistani Racism: Just why are there so many Pakistanis in the music and fashion industries? They are neither a particularly talented ethnicity (like blacks) or pretty ethnicitiy (like Asians).

  3. It creates a Pakistani-centric culture that alienates South Indians and Hindus. Not only are Pakistanis very racist, but most Indians want nothing to do with them.

1D essentially creates a pro-pakistani, Pro-Muslim community that’s impossible for a South Indian Hindu to participate in.

  1. It’s pushing a positive image of Pakistanis (I think) despite nothing be done for any other ethnic group. The average stereotypes of British Pakistanis include: chavvy, ugly, conservative, muslim, low-income, uneducated, etc…

  2. It represents a broader movement to whitewash Pakistanis and Muslims, while overlooking South Indians and Hindus. Why is nothing being done to help South Indian Hindus against Pakistanis, in the same way Pakistanis are getting serious positive discrimination?

Jews? Really?

Most Nazi Hindus I know of, aim their racism at Pakistanis. Those that include Jews, tend to include anything that isn’t of Indian origin!

So, when did you break up with your Pakistani boyfriend? Did he cheat on you?

This Pakistani domination of the fashion industry could be bigger than the Trilateral Commission. The repercussions are daunting.

Who are ‘they’? Pakistanis? What do you mean they know about south Indians? Know what about them?

I have no idea how bands are formed. My understanding was that a bunch of talented perfoirmers get together and form a band, due to common interests in music style etc.

Music and fashion industry where? In Pakistan? In India? Britain? Also you are mixing up race, ethnicity and religion. It’s very confusing.

Religions can contain members of any race. Jew, for instance, is not a race. It may be an ethnicity and certainly is a religion. You say in one post that you don’t know the difference between ‘white’ and ‘jew’ as far as looks go. That’s because there is no difference, assuming the Jews in question are also white skinned.

You are also making absurd sweeping generalizations. ‘Blacks’ aren’t talented and ‘Asians (you mean East Asians?)’ aren’t ‘pretty’… necessarily. The media tends to show exceptional people of any ethnic group. Exceptional people are in the vast minority of any population you care to identify.

Where? In India? Pakistan? Britain? Again, Hindu describes an ethnic group or adherents of a religion? Its like me saying ‘Alaskans or Christians’. It makes no sense.

So… you are saying Pakistanis and Indians are racist towards each other then? I suspect most on this board are like me in that they don’t know the difference between south Indians and north Indians.

Again, where? In India? Pakistan? Britain? What’s stopping the South Indian community from being a community?

So you are talking about Britain then? What is the ‘average stereotype’ of South Indians among British people?

Are Pakistanis being ‘helped’ against Indians in Britain? Really?

Take thefp fashion industry. One of the major reasons there is so much racism against blacks is because people are less likely to buy from black models.

Why are they adding Pakistani models then? Are Pakistanis more likely to become models or something? Pakistanis are probably the most hated ethnic group and Pakistanis aren’t exactly considered pretty or sexy.

Same goes to the music industry. There wouldn’t be a single Pakistani in the media if one hadn’t been tokened in an all-white banned, heavily manufactured, and then heavily promoted/pushed.

I think I speak for everyone - including other British Indians - when I say, “what the fuck?”

OP thinks Pakistanis are ugly and smell bad. They may also have cooties.

OP feels that Pakistanis should not be visible in fashion shows or music videos because of these feelings.

A lot of, if not most, British Indians do not consider Pakistanis to be “Indian”. So I’m afraid you can’t speak on behalf of British Indians.

Yeah, if, for some unknown reason, you end up banned here, I’d advise you not to do what I just quoted you as saying. The mods here don’t like it when someone creates a new account.

I’m not Pakistani. I am not sure what other assumption you may have been intending to convey if not that.