What do Mangetout and Tom Hanks have in common?

Yes, that’s right: our very own Mangetout and famous actor/director Tom Hanks share a rather unique hobby: collecting snapshots of lost gloves. The only thing stranger than the fact that these two otherwise (I assume) unconnected people share such an off-beat hobby is the fact that I remembered Mangetout mentioning it in a couple threads several years ago.

M1: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=12233463&highlight=pictures+lost+gloves#post12233463
M2: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=6059614&highlight=pictures+lost+gloves#post6059614
M3: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=12074017&highlight=pictures+lost+gloves#post12074017

TH1: 4 Respected Celebrities Who Are Slowly Losing Their Minds | Cracked.com
TH2: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162-57586387/tom-hanks-talks-lucky-guy-challenges-shares-lessons-in-love/

Heh. Every time I see a lone glove laying on the ground somewhere, I think to myself “Hey, there’s someone on The Dope who would really like to take a picture of that!”

Now I’ll have to modify that thought to include Mr. Hanks! :smiley:

If they cross-referenced their photos, it might be possible to restore some of these pairs.

Is there conclusive proof they’re not the same person? Have they ever been observed in a room together?

Also, they’ll eat anything.

No, but likely just quite a pair.

I remember reading someone online that talked about collecting hair barettes found along the beach. Ha, I thought, right… and then he posted pics of his collection which numbered probably in the thousands.

Ain’t no accounting for taste… smell, touch.

You know, if you rearrange the letters in “Tom Hanks”, you get “Mankhsto”. Sounds a bit like “Mangetout”, don’t you think? Coincidence? :dubious:

And if you rearrange “Mangetout” you get “Gnu Eat Tom”. Coincidence? Or a hungry ungulate? :dubious:

I had no idea he did this too. I still collect them - I must have over 1000 pictures now (it’s been a long time since I updated my online gallery of them though).

Mangetout, I’ve been wondering. Is it Man-ge-tout or Man-get-out? For years,well, until this thread I was leaning for the first one but just now I saw it the other way.
So how do you pronounce that?

I always thought it was the French mange tout.

Given that mange tout means “eat all” in French, and **Mangetout **has “eating interesting stuff” as a hobby, I’m guessing it’s pronounced monj tou.

Now I am currently missing one cycling glove. I’m relying on either Tom Hanks or Mangetout to photograph it and let me know where it is.

I sure hope it is, or my anagram makes no sense.

I just saw a lone glove today and thought of this thread. It’s on my regular cycling route. If it’s still there tomorrow, do you want me to take a picture of it and send it to you, or is the collecting only of gloves you have personally witnessed and photographed?

On a cycling route? Dammit, that’s my glove!

It is. This confusion happens every time.

It does? Man, get out! I’m shocked! :smiley:

Mangetout, do you want a picture of the glove or not?

Most people don’t realize that Larry McMurtry’s first draft was called Lonesome Glove and Tom Hanks was set to play the part of Gus. Kinda makes you wonder, you know, what could have been.

They’ve both slept with Rita Wilson. Oh, and the glove thing.