What Do Our Dogs Think of Us?

I am prompted to ask this question, because I have owned quite a few dogs of various breeds. All of them have been very affectionate, but my current one (English Springer Spaniel) absolutely adores me. When I leave the house, he is positively downcast (tail between legs, downcast eyes, etc.). When I return home, he goes nuts! I find it amazing that an animal can bond to a human so closely-i mean, we are two different species. So what’s your take on why dogs get along with humans so well>

Your dog thinks your are god. It’s nice to get that kind of respect, even if it is from someone who licks their own genitals.

I think it’s because your dog doesn’t realize you’re of different species. He treats you like you’re an alpha dog, and most of the things he does are those things that inferior dogs do to superior dogs.

He also likes you because you take him for a W-A-L-K, and sometimes in the C-A-R.

That’s when the respect pendulum swings the other way.

That’s not respect, that’s envy.

You answered your own question, buddy1.

Simple, huh? :slight_smile:

I’ve always heard the same thing as Qadgop the Mercotan, with a slight addition on the end.

Dogs think you are god. Cats know they are.

I think the first thought that goes through any dog’s mind when meeting a human is “hey, I wonder if he has any food?” My grandfather (a veterinarian) used to say that domesticated dogs are only interested in humans because they’re a potential food source. That human might have a doggie treat in his pocket right now!

Anyone who’s ever lived with an adoring pooch, and seen it pee all over itself with joy upon seeing you, know’s better than that.
Your grampa know’s better than that. He’s just being an old curmudgeon. :slight_smile:

I walk my mum’s King Charles Spaniel sometimes, and we pass many other human-dog teams. A few days ago we passed a guy out for a walk by himself, and Sammy (the dog) just couldn’t figure it out. She kept looking everywhere for his dog, then back at me to get some explanation for the stray human.

Cats are that way too:



I honestly have no idea what dogs think of us; I can only speak to the experience with my Boston Terrier, whose attitude towards me depended on whether she thought she was being well-treated or done wrong.

mangeorge - How would you explain this dog literally peeing herself in ecstasy over encountering a group of total strangers? It’s something she only did once but I just couldn’t figure it out.

Damn, I forgot the thing I was going to post originally - a cartoon.

Dog and cat watching their humans wave goodbye and get into the car.

Dog: “There go the godlike beings who keep me well fed and housed.”

Cat: “There go the jerks who keep all the food locked up.”

Actually, I think it’s a submission thing. That’s why they usually do it while lying belly-up. Usually they’re young pups.
As far as the reaction to strangers, it seem’s that there are some people who dogs just like. Who know’s why. Another of those canine mysteries, I guess. Dogs and humans have lived together so long that we probably have developed a sort of psychic bond.

Dog: “There go the godlike beings who keep me well fed and housed.”

Cat: “There go the jerks who keep all the food locked up.”

Yet another variation:
Dog: “Wow, they feed me, bathe me, take care of me, love me… they must be gods!”

Cat: “Wow, they feed me, bathe me, take care of me, love me… I must be a god!”

Which is smarter, cat or dog?
Well, a dog will starve to death on your doorstep, waiting for you to feed it.
A cat will just go find something to eat.