What do penises taste like?

Too drunk to remember. Sorry.

Waaaaaaaaayyyyy TMI? Very well then.

I have rimmed a female partner, and it didn’t have a specific taste, but what with the cunnilingus, squirting, and alcohol that is probably not a middle of the bell curve answer for this near the end of the bell curve question.

I’ve been rimmed twice, once by a female partner who didn’t say anything about it and once by a male partner, who mentioned that I had a “really clean ass”. I didn’t ask any followup questions as I was rather distracted at the time.

The More You Know…

This reminds me of an exchange between a me and a friend of mine:

Friend: “Hey SHAKES! watch this!” (he kisses my then GF on the lips)

 Me: "Yeah that's pretty funny wise-ass. Hey, how's my dick taste?"

Friend: “Mmm, small.”

Me: "Ouch!"

stop drinking it then! :stuck_out_tongue:

<rimming queen>

Also like skin, maybe my lips analogy except more appropriate. :wink: Muskier (speaking only from my experience with males), and sometimes a little salty. I like 'em furry, so add that to the mix. But at the same time, an ass (ideally) doesn’t spend all day making fluids happen, so as long as it’s (reasonably) clean, you don’t have those competing flavors/scents.

(And I’ve had my Hep A and Hep B shots ;))

</rimming queen>

Oh come on! I know I didn’t singlehandedly kill a thread with >2000 views.

I think I know why she was your then GF instead of your GF.

Penis- I have no idea, as I can’t reach mine. My wife says it tastes a little like stale sweaty skin, which she evidently enjoys. Other times, it tastes like her.

Ass- my wife’s tastes musky. No, it doesn’t taste like shit. There is no shit there. In my experience, they’re actually pretty clean. She says mine tastes the same.

Don’t be freaked out by it. It’s a most pleasurable sensation.

I can’t so I’m not. Not that there is anything wrong with being a fairy.

I know this question is like 9 months old, but I would love to answer it…

I don’t thin I can describe the taste; it definitely does NOT taste like shit unless the person being rimmed is very un-hygenic (or the person doing the rimming is in to the uncleaned anus…) The taste is very pleasant - I have rimmed women and men, and there is no difference. There is an almost musky taste, though not like crotch musky.

Closing zombie sex thread.