What do people "hear" when they read "F*ck"?

I think the word you’re thinking of is synesthetic, but I’m not sure it entirely applies here.

Anyway, I hear something like “fuck – oops wait! I mean… not fuck… darn I said it again… ok how about if i just say something that reminds people of the word, but then doesn’t actually say it, like using an asterisk or something… yes that’s a good idea. nobody will ever be offended this way.” :rolleyes:

I’m another one that hears “fick”. Since the asterisk is almost superscript, it reminds me of the dot of an “i”.

“g-d” sorta sounds like “guuh’-duh”. Can’t really explain that one. :slight_smile:

Acronyms have sounds too. IANAL sounds like i-anal. Not a pretty image.

F*ck = “fck”, no vowel.
G-d = “gd”, also no vowel.
IANAL sounds like 5 words of only one or two sounds each: “I-æ-n-æ-ell”

I hear “fock” for f*ck, and “gu’odd” for g-d (like a little skip).

Well, f*ck me. I actually do “hear” a phonetic “fsck” in my head. Now it’s going to start bothering me.

Seconded. Sounds like the censors used to merely block out the word are being used to block out the vowels.

** F ** = For
U = Unlawful
C = Carnal
K = Knowledge

There was once a movie named this :eek:

my mind just tries to sound out what is there.

f*ck sounds like fck in my head
f**king sounds like fking
I rarely see G_D, but when I saw it the first time in this thread, I just said the letters in my head, “G” “D”.

I hear the words in my head as I read them. I’m told this is a result of how we’re taught to read in elementary school, and that “speed readers” unlearn this habit and read chunks of a sentence without sounding anything out.

I imagine it sounds the way Drew Barrymore sounded in Donnie Darko after she got fired, went outside, and yelled “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” at the top of her lungs.

I hear it it as “fuck”.
I hear IMHO as “im-hoe”, like him without the h, then hoe.

I hear it as the name for something you sit on.

For a long time, I thought the first M in MPSIMS stood for “Mindless.”

Hey, I thought that too!

To me, f*ck is fuck, @$$ is ass, and so on. The only one that’s different is G-d, since I hadn’t encountered it until recently. I tend to still think it as Gee dee (I didn’t know what it meant at first), but once in a while it turns into God in my head, too. I’m still working on it. :wink:

fsck is eff-sock, by the way, probably because the first time I encountered it (I improperly shut down my brand new Redhat 7.1 install), I figured it must mean “file socket.” I’m not entirely sure what a file socket is.

Another interesting tidbit: when I say “What the fuck?” out loud, I find myself thinking “WTF?” I’ve tried pronouncing that, but it doesn’t work very well; the closest I’ve gotten is “whut-fuh?” I pretty much try turning every acronym into pronouncable words, but the ones without vowels are kind of hard.

I don’t why but for some reason I don’t bother to pronounce WTF. Just about Every other word I read get pronounced. Just not WTF for some reason.

Let me restate that. When I read it’s like this: say the statement: “I was like I was like WTF? It was so big and bright blue.” When reading it in my head it would be like I would hear all the words but WTF. It’s hard to explain.

Because W is the only letter in the alphabet whose name in English hogs three whole syllables.

IMHO, internet abbreviations aren’t pronounced in one’s head at all - they’re read the same way as icons or images inserted in text. You know what it is, but you don’t hear a thing. YMMV. :wink:

That’s why I never pronounce the letters in WWW. I say “world wide web.” When people hear me say “world wide web dot something-or-other dot com”, they know I mean www. :slight_smile:

And WTF to me is “wh-tff”.

I’m pretty much like RandomLetters in that I don’t hear things when I read. The only time I have to slow down and “pronounce” things is when I get to names or foreign languages in the text. I went to an introductory speed-reading course once and they said that subvocalizing physically or mentally is one of the main limiting factors in learning to read quickly. Since I started reading when I was about three (before my first clear memory in fact) I may have skipped the letter-to-sound stage very early on. That probably explains my fast, though not spectacular, reading speed of around 700 WPM. Seeing “f*ck” in text makes me mentally pause, until I can match the concept with the text, but it doesn’t make me hear it.

[aside] A side effect of this is that I have a hard time remembering fiction characters’ names since the name becomes kind of like a glyph for all the personality traits, physical description, and actions associated with the character in the story. When I see “Anne” in “Anne of Green Gables” I don’t really see the word, I skip straight to the gestalt “girl with red hair (which she hates) and a stubborn personality who is prone to misadventure living in a house with green-painted gables, etc…” [/aside]

I say Dub Dub Double Yew.

Ditto for me, esp if the name appears a lot, or if it is something hard to pronounce (ie Joe is easy to pronounce so unless it is every second word I always pronounce it). Almost any word that is hard to pronounce just becomes a group of letters.

In com sci we use the same commands/variable names over and over and over, so those become meaningless shapes too. Sort of like when you say a word many times, and it just becomes a sound pattern.