How do you pronounce...

How do you usually pronounce:

  1. @%^#&@&%#! (Used to signify cussing)

  2. lol

What’s the first sound that comes to your mind when you see those things written online (or anywhere)?

And sorry if this has been asked before… don’t have search access as a guest :frowning:

The sounds that immediately come to mind are:

  1. Fricken fracken fracken… you know, like when a Warner Brothers character is cussing…

  2. lol… I mean ell-oh-ell.



I don’t like it when people use that one because it hijacks too much of my mental energy.

  1. Laugh out Loud.
  1. I’ve never thought about pronouncing this aloud. I usually just mentally hear muffled screaming.

  2. “lol” rhymes with “goal”

  1. I just hear some random voice yelling something indecipherable.

  2. Rhymes with “toll”

  1. Godamotherfuckin

  2. Loll

This seems a good place to list a pet peeve of mine–people who, in giving me a url, say “dot E-D-U” or “dot G-O-V”, as if I wouldn’t know how to spell “edu” or gov".

  1. If it’s short (!@#$) then I hear it as “fuckin’” or “fucking!”. If it’s longer, like your example, “Goddamn motherfucking!”.

  2. Low-l

*1. @%^#&@&%#! *
either “aaaarrrrgghhhh!”
or else an appropriate obscenity or profanity depending on the context and the “character” uttering it.
2. lol
If I see it standing alone, posted by a reputable poster, I will read it as either “ell oh ell” or “laugh out loud.”

Far more often, however, when I see it posted by some raving lunatic, particularly when it appears multiple times at the end of the poster’s own perception that it has made a joke, I read it as “duh, yuk, yuk, yuk, uh, duh.”

Are you talking about spoken or written communications? If written, I can see your point. If spoken, I’m not sure why it matters: what is the “proper” pronunciation of .edu?

Spoken. It’s not that big a deal, it’s just that the combination of time wasted and the implied ignorance on my part add up to a “peeve”. Just say “edu”, like it’s spelled.

  1. Ratsa-Fratsa!
  2. Rhimes with “hall.”

Reminds me of something funny that happened with my boyfriend once. When he logs on whilst drunk, he has a tendency to write “lololol” instead of “lol.” It’s very funny, and is a very good indicator of drunken chatting. I tease him about it mercilessly.

My mouse broke, and I was trying to procure a new one. He asked me what ports I had on my laptop.

"Let’s see, I have a USB… a round thing with one flat side… and one that says “lolol.” I said it “el oh el oh el.”

He thought this was the funniest thing ever.

  1. Blartheren Blatherskat
  2. Elo El
  1. +1 on the Fricken-fracken-butel-rattin-poten-taten type of nonsense swearing.

  2. Ell-Oh-Ell

Depending on the level of my ire number one could be either, “G-D, Bloody H*, S*, F*, Dit, FFFFFFFING H*!” (This is usually said in a normal speaking tone, unhurriedly, but with feeling, often with varying length and content. I usually “cuss” to get rid of my annoyance before dealing with the problem.) or “Rassen-frassen, fricken-fracken, sassen-rahr GRAHHRR”. (Said in a louder tone, more quickly, but not a shout usually, I do this when around children, or people who are offended by cussing.) Number two is “Ell-Oh-Ell”
[SUB]Actual curse words edited out due to the forum this is in. [/SUB]

  1. Depends on context. If I can think of a suitable cuss word that seems to be what the author was thinking and was just edited out, I plop that in place. If it meant to be a generic profanity, it’s either a low-key mumbling of “Massa Basta Rasa Freaking” or unintellible screaming, once again depending on context.

  2. I generally don’t pronounce it, but rather get a mental image of someone laughing. If I’m reading a chat to someone, then I either say “Laugh out loud” or “el-oh-el”, depending on how lazy I’m feeling at the moment.

  1. Rassa-frassin.

  2. Ell oh ell.

  1. A curse word, if I can put one in there by context, otherwise a muffled grumble.
  2. Loll.

possible hijack: I also read the abominations u as “uh” and ur rhyming with “were.” LOL’s cousin ROFL rhymes with “waffle.”

Interesting :slight_smile: For #1, am I the only one who just thinks of silence (as in literally nothing, not “sy-lence”)?

It also happens when I see “What is your __________?”. I don’t think of the word “blank”, I just imagine this period of quietness, as if somebody turned on mute. Sometimes I even find myself pausing my breathing for half a second, as though that would make it even quieter…

  1. A furious, sputtering Donald Duck.

  2. TIE Fighter.

  1. Rassin frassin

  2. Laught out loud

  3. [continuing hijack]I don’t pronounce “edu” as a word, I would always pronounce it E D U so I would spell it out like that to someone. I’m not treating them like an imbocile, just saying it as I read it. On the other hand, I read and say “gov” as “gov”.