What do you like in your crêpes?

I made crêpes for lunch today. Last time I made them, I did strawberry ones with whipped cream. Today it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, so we just had Nutella ones with powdered sugar on top. (I also had a couple with lemon and powdered sugar.)

Gruyere cheese and some nice thinly sliced ham.

I like sweet ones, too though - but simple. Your original butter-sugar-lemon sounds great to me!

I usually have one ham and cheese, one sugar and lemon and one with jam or marmalade. Yep, that’s what I’m having for brunch tomorrow!

I love crepes, but I think most of you are talking about galettes.

Yup, this. Wild mushrooms & dark meat chicken or duck, in a white sauce, with some kind of yummy cheese.

I don’t know Crepe…
Off to google recipes.

Peaches, blueberries, sour cream, with warm, real maple syrup overall.

Whipped sweetened cream cheese with berries or peaches. Maybe a touch of Grand Marnier. Some use ricotta.

The IHOP restaurant here used to have the best. Shredded chicken, swiss cheese, eggs, spinach, fresh mushrooms, and tomatoes, blanketed with Hollandaise sauce. One day they put a sign up on their door: “Closed.” No explanation (though of course it has to do with not enough customers). I could just cry whenever I drive by there. I would try to recreate their crepes, but I’m really just too lazy.

Aren’t galettes specifically buckwheat crêpes?

Yes. But they also refer to some types of thin (but not crepe thin), flat cakes, often with fruit.

Yeah, that’s exactly what they are. But no one puts salty stuff in a crepe (well, at least here), you do that with galettes. Sugary for crepes, salty for galettes.
You mean everybody over there puts salty stuff in sugary tasting crepes?

When I make crepes, I make sweet batter (sugar added) for sweet/fruit or savory batter (minimal sugar, herbs, pinch of salt) for savory fillings. I don’t care as much for buckwheat, so I use regular crepe batter recipe, but modify it.

I can’t speak for everyone, but every crêperie I’ve been to (except one in a kiosk in Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, which sold only strawberry crêpes) have had savoury crêpes on their menus. Crêpes themselves are not sweet themselves, at least as far as I’ve eaten ‘out’. When I make them at home I don’t use sugar in the batter.

What I’ve always known as “crepes” don’t have a sweet batter. They’re equally suited to sweet and savoury fillings. My mom makes ham, cheese and asparagus or spinach crepes with cheese sauce, rolled up and baked in the oven until the cheese sauce starts to brown. Grossly unhealthy, but so damn good.

Oh yeah, you’re right, some street vendors do that too. You should try buckwheat galettes, they’re really better when you start using ham and cheese as fillers.

“over here” = ?

The US. (I wrote over There)

Apple and sultana with cinnamon. I’ve had some extraordinarily yummy savour crepes as well but apple crepes I love.

Hard to say what’s my favorite. I’m partial to fresh fruit, but as long as I’m not being served a tube of corn-starch goo (think canned pie filling, blech) I’m not too picky.

I haven’t found a savory filling that I’d repeat over trying something new. Not a big fan of ham in general.

Whatever. It’s not like we knew where that was either.

I’ve never been to a single crepe place in the US that didn’t have both sweet and savory fillings. Same when I was in France.

Galette in most US culinary circles refers to a free-form baked pastry, often with a fruit filling. AFAIK using that term for buckwheat crepes is a Brittany thing that has spread.

Bacon and cheese. And syrup. Apparently that’s the Dutch way of doing things, and who am I to argue?

My favorite is the standard ham, gruyere, onions, mushrooms, and an egg. The yolk should be runny when it comes off the grill.