What do you like when you're ill?



I meant LL Cool J

stupid 80s

I don’t ever get physically ill. Not since I was thirteen anyway. Then I had the mumps and it wasn’t that bad. However, I do have a case of chronic bad luck. Does that count? Because I’m definitely getting sick of it.
I guess an occasional upset stomach is about as bad as it gets. A cheese sandwich and a glass of milk will usually do the trick.
I think a few shots of tequila regularly must kill of any “bugs” that I might come across. It could also be reason for the occasional upset stomach. :wink:

Old movies. The cornier, the better.

If you have any MST3K tapes tucked away, now’s the time to watch 'em. :slight_smile:

The sweet, blessed relief of death.

The first day on the couch there was a Katharine Hepburn (sp?) marathon on TCM.
That rocked. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the well-wishes. :slight_smile:

I enjoy an extra portion of sleep when sick, always have.

For stomach troubles, Pepto-Bismol works wonders - even though it’s only supposed to work against problems arising from ‘overconsumption’, I find it has a nice placebo effect - and the chewable tablets taste like candy!

For sore throats - mustard. I don’t know why the devil it works, but mustard will stop most of my sore throats dead.

I’ve tried a variety of other things for this particular sore-throat attack… including Chloroseptic lozenges and spray (Despite the label, that is not a Cherry flavor. Felt like I was eating a cigarette or something.); Gargling warm salt water - seemed to help somewhat; gargling mouthwash - just made the pain more minty.

Chocolate and Caffiene seemed to help though.

To be left alone. No, I don’t want you to bring me anything. No, I don’t want you to do anything special. I just want to lay here and be sick. When I’m well, then you can do something special…the high heels and fishnets would be nice.

I don’t get really ill much and if I do, nothing particular helps me through it. Except the really strong medication…and maybe booze (but obviously not at the same time :stuck_out_tongue: ). I guess that makes me pretty weird huh?

So I’ll just say to all you infected, which I mean in the best possible way, and especially to harmless for the thread and CandidGamera


I hab a code. It’s better today, but yesterday was really crummy. Sneezing, sinus headache, really tense neck muscles, sore throat, laryngitis. I think fever, too, but not much.

Ginger ale, ginger tea with sugar, lemon tea. Pho- I always want pho when I have a cold. It’s Vietnamese beef broth with noodles, and it’s better than chicken soup. I am seriously considering asking my favourite restaurant if I can buy a bunch of the broth to freeze. Old books, lots of sleep, not to have to do the laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning.

All of which I had to do yesterday. Sob, whine.

If I have an upset stomach, I want to have my pillows fluffed, and otherwise be left alone. By the beginning of recovery, I want pho or chicken broth, and crackers. Ginger ale, maybe. Nothing solid.

My big problem getting sick is that I don’t get the usual assortment of symptoms. I’ve got a sore throat, feel very slightly feverish, kind of achey, and my voice is shot.

No sneezing, congestion, dizziness, inability to eat, or hacking cough. Just a bunch of minor inconveniences. For the past week. Oh, and a spot on the roof of my mouth hurts. :dubious:

A mug (or 6!) of a hot lemon-and-honey with a dash of whisky in it!!

THICK toast (“proper” bread, not “shop-bought”) and butter with OODLES of jam



Well I’m ill I must have 2 things. Sympathy and hugs.

Only the “not at the same time” part.
What the heck else is narcotic cough syrup for, but to be mixed with a nice G&J or Michelob? :stuck_out_tongue:

Ice water, popsicles, and clean sheets.

and I like to be alone. Totally alone. I don’t want anyone to talk to me or look at me until I feel better.

Ice cream and especially sherbet; cold cold cold soft drinks; a book or two; and a quiet, dark place in which to suffer.

I used to drink tea when I was sick, so now I associate it with illness. I can’t even smell now tea without feeling vaguely sick, even when I’m perfectly healthy.

Hope you sickos are feeling better. :wink: Even a minor cold makes me miserable, so I feel your pain.

Peace & quiet, a familiar book, (as has been cited), most any type of soup, REAL ginger ale (here in the NE, Polar makes a golden ginger-ale with real ginger in it; most are just ginger-flavored ales)( if you don’t have the real stuff nearby, use real ginger root, crystal, or powder, and add it to your soda; ginger seems to have a rather potent anti-nausea attribute to it), and if all else fails, Nyquil. To use the vernacular; ‘it’s tha bomb’. Shuts your system down and restarts it, so to speak. Sometimes when you’re really sick, you just can’t seem to rest. This potent cocktail (use sparingly) will force the issue. Watch out for reallllly odd dreams, though… :eek:

To get better. :smiley:

Cold juice, grape, apple, or cranberry. Strangely enough the only time I like apple juice is when I’m sick. Otherwise I won’t touch the stuff.

Soup that is mostly pasta.

Clean, cool white sheets.

A fan.

Very dim lighting, as bright lights give me a headache.

Either cream of chicken soup with hot buttered toast, or some kind of broth (chicken or beef) with rice noodles.

Also a warm blanket, a relatively cool room if I have a slight fever and a copy of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. Cold orange juice is also good if I have a sore throat. Or ice-cream.