When somebody brings up the WTC and pentagon attacks what do you say? I usually just say “it’s horrible” or “it sucks”, I don’t know what else to say! Should I be saying, “Yeah, i hope we bomb the hell out of them” ? WHO?? I hear some people saying “yeah America is gonna kick some major ass now!” Some people say “Yeah let’s bomb the hell out of Pakistan!” I don’t think Pakistan even did anything as far as WE know!
I would like to spread awareness, but some people listen to whatever they hear and assume it’s true. It feels un-American to correct people “Umm… No, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t Pakistan” , then you get a “YEAH , BUT I HEARD THIS FROM SOMEONE WHO WAS PROBABLY WATCHING OR LISTENING TO THE NEWS, THEY MUST BE RIGHT!”
Do you even try to correct people? Do you tell people you cried when you heard the news? Do you just ramble half-truths about facts you think you overheard?