Aesthetically, functionally, however you want to interpret the question. What do you think of the new board software?
I have no opinion, I just wanted to post.
I’m totally digging the title option. Hee!
Walks in, looks around
Could use a few curtains…
Welcome back everyone!
It’s very fancy-looking, and there are a lot of controls. I feel like I’m sitting in the cockpit of a fighter jet. Now excuse me while I go bomb somebody.
Damn skippy.
Hey, if I don’t call myself a loser, who will?
I liked, that for a while there, Cafe Society was way ahead of IMHO in terms of posts.
HAH! In your FACE, TVeblen and Czarcasm!
Too many buttons for an old fart.
You can put the smilies right there, but you can’t make me use any.
It’s ok, I guess. Lots of controls, and the color makes my eyes hurt, but it’s ok.
I’m wondering how many options the admins will decide to leave enabled. I don’t like the idea of us having defacto HTML options activated.
I rather like it. Love the new stuff, but miss the smashie smiley. I think the boards look better, aesthetically and it’s pretty weird to see the fora empty… (tumbleweed blows through)
Is anyone else having problems accessing their profile and their preferences?
I like the color scheme, much better than the awful brown at the temp board.
TubaDiva in this thread in ATMB that she was temporarily locking the profiles.
I really like it and the default colors: grey, blue-gray and white are pleasant enough if not exciting. But I don’t know if I want exciting colors.
The only thing that I really miss from the temp board is the
CENTER tag. >sob< I came to love that tag.
I don’t suppose there’s an easy way to turn on that one single HTML tag without allowing the rest of HTML: whitelisting it, so-to-speak?
(I also gotta say that I miss the green “rolleyes” smiley. The yellow one’s nice, but the green…the green was perfect.)
Anyway, it’s great to be back.
Once Tuba turns preferences back on, there’s an option in there to simplify the reply window and not have all the buttons show up when you go to make a post.
The only thing I miss are my 424 posts
All the extra options cluttering up the posting page kinda remind me of all the extra ‘bloatware’ crap that ICQ, AOLIM, RealPlayer, and Windows Media player have been adding to their software over the last few updates.
It’s a refreshing and good change from the temporary boards.
I’m still trying to figure out how to do things like edit my profile and change my password.
It’s good… but I couldn’t fit my “Naked” into my username.
I love it and won’t ever, ever, complain again!
I would like to change my sig, but I know why the profile edit has been disabled for the time being.