Eeeuw SMDB. What's with the new look.

Sorry. Don’t like it. In particular I don’t like the narrow width. I have four inches of wasted screen real estate on either side. Default font size is far too big. And to top it off, only half the smilies are visible in the box to the right. (Yes I know it’s because of the way my system is configured: I’m doing odd things with the screen fonts which can cause strange things to happen to boxes on occasions. But it was never a problem before.)

Count mine as a no vote.

I’m not all that fond of the layout, but per the discussions in ATMB, they’re still tweaking that, so I’ll reserve judgement till that’s finished.

What I don’t like even more than that is that the board doesn’t seem to be remembering me after I login, and the pages are taking about 6 times as long as normal to load. :frowning:

Shush it you ungreatful jackhole. :slight_smile:

The previous version looked like it has been graped by the Grapist. :wink:

Not to mention the fact that we have lost the email and website buttons and the report to a mod button has been reduced to a mere “!” I can’t imagine that all of the extra formatting is easier on the hamsters either.

Most of the Smileys are White! This can’t be a good sign. What the hell is “Enhanced Mode” vs. “Guided Mode?” :::click:::

The board doesn’t remember my login either, Kat.


This is just how vB looks “out of the box.”

Function over form – when the dust settles, I expect it will look much like it did before – we’ll even have the Blue and Yellow Standard back where that big assed vBulletin logo is now.


The hamsters have unanimously expressed a great fondness for the new look and have sworn to go on strike if it’s changed one iota.

Well I’ll be darned. I can’t believe that was my signature. I hadn’t seen it in more than a year.

Interesting that people are complaining (here and in ATMB) about a narrow thread with wasted space on either side. I’ve got full screen width. Wonder why the difference? My browser’s plain-vanilla Internet Explorer; could that be it?

There are well-populated threads running in ATMB on the upgrade, if you want to check them out. See especially this thread by Lobsang.

Interesting point: The sig default is to add it. You have to affirmatively say “no” to keep your sig from showing up – just the reverse of the previous version.

I’m going to hang loose and see how it all settles out before doing any more commenting than I’ve already done in ATMB. :wink:

I imagine you’re using 640x480 or 800x600. My 1152x864 display leaves mucho greyspace too.

Funny what people are noticing. The “report post” thing didn’t even cross my mind, but after the width thing, the thing I’m missing is the “Location:” field. No longer can I instantly discern the nationality (and more!) of ~50% of posters!

This feels really, REALLY weird…

I miss the little buttons at the bottom of our posts.


Wow, too weird!

I kind of like the look, very modern. The font sizes are annoying though (too small for me).

I kind of like it, too. But the blue on blue is kinda straining my eyes.

I’m going to be upgrading my board ( to vB 3.0 RC 32 over the long weekend. However, I’m also going to spend several hours making sure the old template settings are preserved, and tweaking the new templates so they closely resemble the old site.

I don’t know if vB3 has an equivalent of what’s called the postbit template, that controls the display for an individual post.

Strange. I can’t quote a message!

I find it annoying that the default on the new version is to subscribe to any thread you post in. Not only that, but you have to go to a “Reply” page to find the menu that will let you unsubscribe to the thread. My email inbox was filling up with thread reply notices till I figured that one out.

Having a choice of fonts is cool, though.

Seagreen, eh? Great choice of color! :smiley:

Little white smiley, you must die.

Thanks for the heads-up on the subscription, I’ll go check mine now!

S’kuse me, s’kuse me, but has anybody seen my nice wedge of Port Salut? I swear it was here just a bit ago.


Looks like shit to me. Not a big deal though, as I wasn’t on this board for the look of it.

Are sigs included in every post now?

It’s probably some “option” you must attend to in your UserCP. Or, not.
