What do you want to do that you haven't done yet?

Become a jazz singer.
Publish several books of poetry.
Learn to sew and make most of my own clothes.
Dye my hair black permanently.
Get married, but if not that, have sex.
Attend a Latin mass.
Learn ballroom dancing.
Spend a significant amount of time in Italy.
Keep learning mandolin.
Learn Welsh, Cajun French, and become fluent in Italian.
Actually record the songs I’ve written.

Head down to cause trouble in N.C. with Ultress
Lose my fear so that I can sing again
Visit Scotland and Ireland
Finish writing the book I’ve been working on for 8 years
Open a little tea shop
Visit the Vietnam Memorial

Well my MAIN goal is to get C-Sue down to NC
Travel (get over the fear of flying)
Meet a nice guy
Learn to keep my mouth shut, not everyone thinks I’m witty and charming
Be at the ideal weight just once in my life
Age gracefully
Meet a nice guy
Attend one dopefest
Take one day at a time

Go to the Oregon coast with my dogs. Want to see them play in the surf. :slight_smile:

Go to Australia, Argentina, and India.

Find someone who will share my life forever. :frowning:

Brew my own beer.

Roast a Turducken.

Go to a Dopefest. :cool:

Ski in Europe.

Swing dance in a real swing club in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, or San Francisco.

Meet (in particular; not an exhaustive list) TruePisces, bobkitty, jarbabyj, Tequila Mockingbird, celestina, Hamadryad, vix, JavaMaven1, and CrankyAsAnOldMan. Why yes, I am a slut for the Doper ladies, why do you ask?