What does BCBG stand for - Woman's clothing store?

Does anyone know the answer to this one?

Pete McDonald

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Bon Chic, Bon Genre

BCBG (noun phrase, used as an adjective, both genders)
prim and proper (literally). Prim and proper translates easily into bourgeois, upper middle-class, excessively formal, conservative,and, by and large, stuffy. French society hangs on to a large number of formalities that make the appearance of individuals (in terms of the language they use,the clothes they wear, the company they keep, the attitudes they affect)incredibly important. The proverb “l’habit fait le moine” (you judge the monk by his clothes, i.e.the book by its cover), although it can also be used in the negative (l’habit ne fait pas le moine)has some truth for most people. Female politicians, in particular, are expected to look very BCBG if they want to be successful…otherwise, they might be considered akin to fishmongers, using vulgar language like the first female prime minister, Edith Cresson, who was judged more by her appearance than by anything else…negatively, of course. Even though she was, on the whole, very BCBG, and only mimicked popular forms of speech.
Used to describe something very chic Acronym for “Bon chic, bon genre”. Originally used to describe high fashion, or the ultimate in good taste. Now often used disparagingly to describe pretentious “yuppies”.

Monkeypants, you may not be aware that when quoting here you are required to cite your source. If your source is on the Internet, you must provide a link, which can be as simple as pasting the URL into your post with a space on either side of it. Your second post appears to come directly from http://www.notam.uio.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/French.html

moderator GQ

I took two French classes at college, and I was told that BCBG (bon chic, bon genre)was used as a slang expression that meant “preppy”.

Ack yes I’m sorry, I realized during services tonight at my synagogue. I hope I can still be inscribed in the Book of Life this year. And I promise to cite it too.

Oh yes, also, I am still bitter after not being acknowledged for my wonderful cite in http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=84984