Does the title of this movie mean something? I sorta know what a Glengarry is, from Wikipedia, but what’s a Glen Ross?
They were words used in the housing developments the salesmen were pushing: Glengarry Acres, Glen Ross Farms (I don’t recall the exact ones, but all three words were mentioned in the play as such).
The idea is that these developments had the bucolic-sounding names, while the sellers were the ultimate cutthroats.
Were the properties they sold legit or scams?
My impression, having read the play about 13 years ago, and having seen the movie several times, is that the properties are real, but not really going to be moneymakers - typical salesman shit.
David Mamet has a weird penchant for giving his films elegant or bizarre sounding titles that have only a peripheral connection with the movie.
They existed, and were, for the most part, legitimate housing developments (though maybe not as good as the salesmen implied). The issue was finding buyers for them. The salesmen wanted the good leads – people who were serious about buying – instead people who probably wouldn’t.