What does "Hi, Opal" mean ?

Yeh it did.

Pit Rules

What an interesting and informative thread, thanks to all who’ve participated so far. I feel less uninformed now. And love the weebls stuff.

Am wondering about just one more thing – where the line is drawn between admitting one enjoys watching the fireworks and being encouraged to ‘lurk’ to one’s heart’s content. I mean, I wouldn’t want to reveal too much here and get banned or anything!

Dr. Deth got it – in the Weebl and Bob cartoon, Bob says “mmmm … pie” himself.

It’s different than the slow, dragged-out way Homer Simpson would say it, though.
Bob says it more like “mmm–PIE!”, while Homer would say “mmmmmmm … pie …”.

I would be very surprised if there’s anything at all on the Internet that’s more than two degrees of separation from the SDMB.

And by the way, I can’t find “Opal” anywhere on your first linked page, but it looks like it’s a dynamic page, so it might have changed since you posted.

Still shows up for me - scroll all the way to the bottom, past the long list of names, and there’s a short group of messages on the subject of “Vekis” with the “Hi, Opal” thing being done by an anonymous poster, and acknowledged by another anonymous poster. Part of the URL appears to be a message id, so it has a chance of staying relevent.

SterlingNorth is the ID of an SDMB member whose last post was in July 2002. He appears to have moved to Fathom and is an active poster there. I’m guessing that’s the same person as the LJ user.

Anyone who thinks the SDMB in-jokes are not funny deserves to be banned.

What about the “Batman… if he’s prepared” joke? Is that a SDMB inside joke or does it actually have it’s origins elsewhere? (Even though I have no idea what it means, it cracks me up every time I see it.)

Who would win a fight? Batman or Superman?

Is where it starts.