What does "no children at post" mean

I was reading the travel advisory for Pakistan on Australia’s governmental travel site and they have this as an advisory for their staff working in the embassy. Does this mean Embassy staff cannot bring children to stay with them while they work in Pakistan or does this apply to Australian citizens seeking consular assistance in Pakistan? If it’s the latter, why aren’t regular citizens’ children allowed at the Pakistani embassy?

It’s advice to the High Commission staff, not the general public, so it would appear to be the formet.

There may be concerns about safety. They don’t want staff with families there.

There are extremists in certain areas of Pakistan.

People write information/rules without considering how they can be misinterpreted. I am reminded of the query sent to Thomas Cook: “The brochure stated: 'No hairdressers at the accommodation’. We’re trainee hairdressers - will we be OK staying there?”

Given the thread title and user name, I thought this discussion was going to be about kids not being allowed to attend autopsies.