What does this do? Useless unused features on things that you own.

Mine goes to 41.

I have no idea what that tab thing is on top of my soda can. It makes be have to bite into the bottom instead. So annoying.

Both of my Volvos had a switch that would make the taillights brighter. I never did figure out why you would need to do that. The graphic on the switch implied that you could use it during foggy conditions, but I would think that if the regular lights weren’t bright enough, adding an extra few candlepower would make much of a difference.

My '98 and '01 Mustangs both had pull out headlight switches. I’d much rather have pull out switches than all the stupid controls on the turn signal stalk. Of course, the vehicle I"ve been driving for the past 5 years has automatic headlights, so I’ve probably only touched the headlight switch once since I’ve had the van.

They’re rear foglights, and they’re blinding in normal nighttime conditions, not to mention it makes people behind you think you have your foot resting on the brake. I think it’s pretty standard on European cars imported into the US, like the little wipers or sprayers on the headlights.

My laptop and car stereo both came with remote controls. The laptop, at least I could see being used as a standalone music player. But the car stereo? Why? So that backseat passengers can change tracks without asking the driver? To aid in broadcasting your taste in music to fellow beachgoers?

If I were to make an assumption about my perceptive, but-ever-so absent-minded 8yo son, it’d be that he does not yet fully understand the function of the flush knob on the toilet. It’s time to pull out the diagram… I can’t believe it’s come to this…

Just about any game system’s remote control; it will have about 60% more buttons than I think I’ll ever use, or care to even try, during game play (unless explicitly instructed to press). When in doubt, I just start pressing anything and everything like a blind monkey.

I thought of another one. The “panic button” on the back of my minivan’s key fob. I know the purpose of this thing. It makes all the lights flash and the horn honk. The reason I know the purpose of this thing is because I hit it accidentally on about a monthly basis. I’m sure the neighbors love this. I know I do.

It’s to get you in the mood to… PANIC!!! You must be using it wrong?

My iPhone has a weather app that just gives the temperature. No forecast other than predicted high temperatures for the week. How lame is that? I downloaded the free Weather Bug app which is much better.

The built in one? You don’t get a little picture beside the temperature? Like this that I took right now:



Yeah, I have those. Fuzzy little icons that don’t tell me a damn thing. I want to know if it’s going to rain tomorrow, damn it. What time of day? For how long? How many inches? Is it going to be windy? Those don’t tell me squat and they’re too small to see anyway. Worthless noninformative piece of software. What good is a weather app if it doesn’t go into any detail?

Now, there’s a person, thinking “outside the box”! :smiley:

After typing that I suddenly realized, that this is the first time, I’ve ever had the occasion (or the inclination:rolleyes:) to actually use that phrase! :stuck_out_tongue:

I like the “black electrical tape” suggestion, too!

I can overlook your setting it on “HIGH”, everytime you use the toaster…:dubious:
(You know, it doesn’t make it “toast” FASTER, it just controls how long it “toasts”, before it pops up!

But… If you are like my little brother, and neglect to set it back to where it was…

YOU sir, should be dragged out by your feet, and then tarred and feathered!:mad:

NOTHING irritates me more, than popping a couple of slices of bread into my toaster and assuming that I’ll here it “pop”, and there will be two lightly toasted, pieces of bread.
Instead, I suddenly get a whiff of smoke and by the time I have forced my toaster to disgorge it’s contents, I end up with two, charred beyond edibility, pieces of “yuck”!:eek:

Quoth El Nene:

The microwaves in the cafeteria here have a clever design. If you close the door and press a number button, it automatically starts at full power for that number of minutes. One button to accomplish a good 90% of the microwave’s usefulness. If you want more precision than that, then there’s also a +30 seconds button, and if for some reason you need still more precision, then you can hit the “time cook” button first.

I have remapped my keyboard so that the CAPS Lock key does nothing. Details should be searchable…

Here we go.

Yes, I don’t need to know if it’s raining right now. I can look outside and see if there is water falling from the sky. I need to know if it will rain this afternoon.

I’ve never used the sleep button, but our cats use it from time to time to wake us up in the middle of the night when they feel bored or hungry. It’s hard to turn off when you’re only 20% awake at 3:46 AM, but I guess it’s better than a baseball bat to the head!

But that is actually completely different to what you were complaining about in what I replied to (no forecast other than high predicted temperature …).

Make your mind up.

Mine at home does this! Just a single press of number 1 through 6 will result in cooking on “hi” for that number of minutes. Takes care of most everything.