What does this Russian Cossack immigrant have in its pocketses?

In this picture of a Russian Cossack immigrant, taken at Ellis Island sometime between 1905 and 1914, his traditional dress (or uniform) has many narrow, vertical pockets at the top of his jacket, each with a narrow cylinder of some sort. It doesn’t look like ammunition to me, and I think it is unlikely that a an immigrant coming through Ellis Island would be carrying firearms anyway (though he does have a knife and sword).

So what does he have in his pocketses? And why does Moff Tarkin have them in his pockets?

Article I read some time back said that during the muzzleloader era they would carry paper cartridges in the pockets. Now, they’re strictly ornamental.

With GMT, they probably contain a mix of prune juice and castor oil as a mood enhancer.

The look like metal tubes, like cigar tubes. Were Cossacks fond of cigars?

What ever they are, there are more of them sticking out of the control panel of the Millennium Falcon.

They are/were ammo. At first it was paper cartridges and then later brass “quick charge tubes” usually for a rifle but sometimes for a horse-pistol as well. As more modern guns became available they same loops/area on the tunic would be used to hold some shells/ammo in much the same manner. The guns adopted were single shot of a large caliber and ammo was much the same size. What surprises some people is how many cossacks held on to their flint or percussion weapons well into the cartridge era; like a lot of the Arabic tribes, tradition in weapons was a big deal and things were handed down for generations. I still have (and sometimes shoot) Great-great-granddad’s Tulle and Granddad still packed it as a regular thing. Dance groups today often use pieces of ribbon or cloth to simulate this but that dude in the picture looks to have the real deal brass quick-charge tubes.

As for what one would carry in his pockets, think in terms of most militias. Military supplies, a religious item or two and a personal item or three. Granddad always carried a beard token which has been in our family since the time of Peter the Great and he always had a small icon-ish metal cross he got as a child.

(Although we are Siberian and Granddad spent most of his time in one of the home-guard detachments under a local hetman, he did serve at the end before coming to the US with the 2nd Kuban.)

The Dutch women at photo 7, with those hats, sort of remind me of Conan Doyle’s photos of fairies.

From here

And from the wiki on Circassians

Precious ammo!

I’d have guessed pipeweed, but

I notice there are twenty cylinders, possible ring-holders, there are twenty-one rings. He is probably aware of the lies about the rings being destroyed (ha!) or removed from Middle-Earth (ha ha!!). Seems obvious what he’s got in his nasty little pocketses

Cool! The cartridges are wooden tubes with metal caps. Thanks for fighting my ignorance!

A later photo (#25) shows two men with something similar, and is captioned “Russian Cossacks, armed and in full dress” which would support the cartridge theory.

Supposedly, the ones in the Star Wars movies are code cylinders/imperial rank indicators.