What does this (Russian?) stamp say?

What does the stamp say in the bottom left hand corner? Thanks.

I think it’s Bulgarian, to mark the Montreal Olympics.

Those are some nice Martinique stamps at the top …

It says “Bulgarian Post” on the side, and “Montreal 1976” on top.

Allowing for reading and typing say 10 minutes for a response giving basic correct information. I never cease to be amazed at how quickly almost any question can be answered here.

Interesting that the Bulgarian word for Montreal seems to be Monreal.

That’s closer to the French pronunciation.

According to the Bulgarian Wikipedia article on Монреал,

i.e., “Монтреал” is sometimes used in Bulgarian.

Two stamps in a seven stamp set from Bulgaria … Scott™ numbers 2482-2488 …

Thanks for the replies. I have passed this information on to the original owner of the picture. He was surprised by the origin of the stamps.