Does the phrase celebrate the difference between men and women because it makes sex possible? Or does it refer to the differences among women, which makes sex–for men–that much more interesting?
Does the phrase celebrate the difference between men and women because it makes sex possible? Or does it refer to the differences among women, which makes sex–for men–that much more interesting?
The phrase vive la difference (correct spelling, I think) celebrates the difference between men and women, though its meaning can be extended to other differences. I seem to recall a Far Side cartoon with two frogs, the only difference was a wart on one, with the caption “Vive la difference.”
Accent aigu, s’il vous plaît.
Vive la différence!
I’m too lazy to figure out how to do the accent marks, ya showoff.
It means “I surrender”.
Everything in French means “I surrender”. Even “voulez-vous coucher avec moi?”
[sub]Kidding! Kidding! Real answer is what JeffB and Arnold said[/sub]
Well the literal translation would be “long live difference”. I’ve heard the phrase used in a similar sense of the expressions “it takes all types” or “different strokes for different folks” too.