What does your dog do when you have sex with your SO?

We have two small dogs. A poodle and a shih-tzu. Anytime me and hubby want to have romantic relations we have to end up shutting the door to the bedroom. Otherwise they would both be trying to climb the side of the bed to see what was going on. They kill me. They will sit outside the door until we are done and then our poodle commences to scratching at the door when we are finished. It never fails. He always knows when we are done.

We have been effing with the pets lately. The other day, hubby decides to open the door to the bedroom screaming like a blithering idiot “WHAT DO YOU WANT”? Our poodle goes into attack mode and the shih-tzu just sits there cowering. Then last night we finished and hubby decides to do some extremly obnoxious and loud chimpanzee calls like Tarzan the ape man. We wished we’d a had a camera on them filming there reaction to that. We could only picture what there faces looked like behind that door. I could see my shih-tzu cocking her head from side to side as if to say “What the hell”? And my poodle looking at her like “I’ve been here 10yrs darling and ain’t never heard that before”.:rolleyes:

So am I the only one that has to give their dog the boot from the room before having sex? What does your dog do while you have sex with your SO?

My Yorkie aka The Most Adorable Dog In The World[sup]TM[/sup] graciously exits the room when we get frisky. He does, however, go to the living room window and bark like a nut case. Do you think he’s trying to tell us something?

Dogs have never been allowed in our bedroom, so it’s never been an issue.

Operates the boom.

Dunno. We close the door and forget about him.

A former girlfriend’s cat used to set on the corner of the bed and glare at us for taking all the pillows.

Our dog lies on the floor on her bed and sighs heavily and repeatedly to let us know she’s there waiting to be able to come back up on the bed with us. I swear in her little doggie brain she’s thinking: siiiiigghhhhhhh “aren’t you done with that yet?” God they’re doing it AGAIN. And the wrong way… sheesh flip her around! siiiigghhhhhh

The cats on the other hand try to help. They bat at feet and hands and tend to lie right on the pillow next to us. No matter how many times we toss them they come right back. I’m waiting for the day when we’re all done and they hold up little placzrds with numbers on them.

Thank you, tanookie. You have really made my day. I’m still wiping my computer screen from the drink I spewed all over it. I was begining to think I was the only one. :smiley:

Ruby, I think your dog is trying to drum up some business of his own in doggie language.

And I only wish I hadn’t got this habit started FairyChatMom.:smack:

We have a waterbed - which is ALWAYS in use by one cat or the other. But when it’s “happy time”, the cats just roll their little kittie-cat eyes and leave the room while mumbling under their breat, “Big freakin’ monkeys… Why do they have to make the WHOLE bed wiggle?”

But the dog <<sigh>> the dog is now an outdoor dog. Just one time of a cold, wet nose sneaking up on my husband’s oh-so-exposed scrotum…

outdoor dog.

Ours leaves the room as soon as he realizes we are going to do it again. Then when we’ve finished, he’ll come back in and utter a long depressed sigh.

Oh… and Ashkicker needs to put her drink down now…

Sometimes our dog gets a little rambunctious because of what’s happening… and then she will try really hard to hump our cats.

(She has two that she especially likes and they don’t really mind much either… inter species lesbian love fest… could probably make a mint on the internet with some video :wink:

I was once involved with this single 30-something year old woman who owned a dog and a parrot (who once crapped on my head). She lived for her pets like they were her babies and could barely leave her house without taking along the dog.
She brought her dog over to my place, and while we were having sex on the couch in the living room (doggy-style), I felt a foreign, cold, wet, yet not-so-unpleasant feeling in the butt area. I didn’t really pay much mind to it, as I thought it was just some sexual sensation I may have overlooked in the past, until I caught a glimpse of her dog standing behind me with her wet noise buried in my @&%.
Not exactly the kind of threesome I’ve always dreamed of…

Wienerhund is pretty good about it, he usually waits under the bed for the first 20-30 minutes, then starts to whine. He seems to understand that he’s not welcome when we’re doing “that”

There was the one time we were experimenting with “congress of the cow” and he got excited thinking we were gonna make puppies…

My boyfriend has an 80lb female lab that is the true love of his life. If she is in the room when we do it she will just sit there and stare at us and it um…sort of deflates the mood for my boyfriend. (For some reason, I find that hilarious) we put her outside before the fun begins.

Raise your hand if you misread the thread title as "What do you do when your dog has sex with your SO?"

raises hand sheepishly

Glad to see other people saw the title like that too…I was worried, because last week I thought I read “is it wrong to have my son felch me a beer”…sigh…must get reading glasses.

My ex-g/f and I babysat my neighbor’s yellow lab a few times last summer, and when we’d just be fooling around hugging or whatever, he’d start doing the “humping” thing. Kind of made us wonder exactly what role he played in our neighbor’s frolicking!:eek:

The dog pants, slobbers, tries to lick his balls. You know, the same things I’m doing. :wink:
[sub]Disclaimer: any dogs mentioned in this post are fictitious. Any resemblance to real dogs, living or dead, is purely coincidental.[/sub]

How funny! You just reminded me…

We used to have a waterbed, and once we started getting down to business while our old orange cat was resting at the foot of the bed. We didn’t bother to kick him out, figuring he would get tired of the commotion and leave on his own, and plus we were distracted. :wink:

About halfway through I happened to glance down- not only was kitty still there, he was hanging on for all he was worth as each wave threatened to hurl him off the pile of blankets he was on onto the floor! He was determined not to be dislodged from his chosen spot!

I guess he’d have done well on a boat… :smiley: