What does your refrigerator door say about you?

They would learn my undergraduate university and that we’ve spent time in Vietnam.

The real tale-teller though is the side of our microwave oven, where you can see many more of our travels plus our graduate school.

I have a small fridge so that is all that is in the fridge all together. My fridge looks like the one in Ralph Kramden’s kitchen. Except his is an ice box.

They would learn that I don’t like putting things on my refrigerator door. Although, I suppose only after they had looked at a number of refrigerators to see that putting stuff on them is common.

Since the only thing on it is a sticker saying “£20” they’d probably gather that I am a bargain hunter, and too lazy to remove stickers.

That you can see straight through to my insides.

That Mrs. Napier is in charge. Well, upstairs, anyway. But I have a really pleasant basement.

I have the Rolling Stone Killed the Cat proverbs set as well as Dress-up David and Dress-up Venus. I want more clothes for Venus (she lost her undies in a move) but they don’t make her anymore.

It says we like to cook. A lot.

Well that, and silenus loves the snark.
It’s all over the place in magnets, comic strips, and notes. He’s funny in a grumpy guy way. It’s adorable.
There’s also a lot of affection for the kitties and the occasional note to say he remembers he has a wife and she’s not so bad. :wink:
There’s a bumper sticker (held up with magnets…we didn’t actually stick it on) that originally read “Love people. Cook them tasty food.” I think we got it in an order from some food/culinary supply store.

Anyway, his snark is catching on.
I changed the little ditty with some carefully placed punctuation.

It now reads. “Love people. Cook them. Tasty food!”
I think Cthulhu would be proud. :smiley:

That I have a child who draws a lot of smiling pictures of her playing with Mommy. My refrigerator door is where I go whenever I need to remember that life is good.

my fridge door says that I am busy,there is a color coded dry erase calendar filled with where I am going to be on any given day. It would seem that I also have been to fun places like NYC and I think there are a couple of magnets from Miami, a Buckcherry concert ticket stub, a photo of my grandfather and I from 1986 as well as a photo of my dad and I from 1992. I have a beer bottle opener and 12 colored dry erase markers.

After taking a considerable amount of time to look over all the magnets* there he would marvel at the amount of traveling Ms Hook and I do.

*I think there’s 355 magnets from places we have been.

+1 Mine is stainless steel and magnets do not stick.

They’d know that we travel. Apparently, we travel to a lot of different places.
They’d probably guess that we have one dog, since her picture is the only non-place magnet on the fridge.

I like sushi, bovril, transformers and doctor who.

One of those isn’t true, but my fridge thinks it is.

Magnetic frame holding up a winning Power Ball ticket from 12/24/2005
Buddha finger puppet/magnet
Small mesh basket holding a pen, 2 expired coupons and some dust
I have no idea what this selection says about me

Before we had kids, I was obsessive about keeping the front of the fridge bars. the only thing on the fridge was a grocery list on the side.

Now, it is covered with magnets (I had to buy them since I had none) holding drawings and awards and school notices.

(The side is still pretty bare.)

So, you would know that I have two kids, how good they are at swimming and whose class they are in at school.

That I’m heavily into community theater. I have pictures from at least 25 productions (I’ve done more than 65) I’ve been involved with.

That I went to see ‘Wicked’ in January.

That I pub-crawled in Ireland. :smiley:

That I’m a long-time regular contributor to the HSUS, the ASPCA, and the Indianapolis HS.

That I’m a scuba diver who’s dived in the Bahamas, Hawai’i, and Florida.