What does your white room look like?

My white room is a cube.
The walls, floor and ceiling sometimes appear to be billowy silky fabric and sometimes translucent like dry white jello. It is light but not too bright as if the walls were glowing from within.
I sit close to one wall, cross-legged on the floor. I am looking at an object on my extended palms; it is the same cube that I am inside.

small cubic room, square white panels on the walls and a wooden stool.

Straight out of THX 1138. Small room, maybe 10X12. I’m sitting on something in the near right corner, but I can’t see it. (Actually, I see the back of my own head and shoulders, as if the me reporting this is watching the whole thing as an observer from about 3 feet away.) Everything is very white white, sterile, artificial materials make up the walls - something that can easily be cleaned and disinfected. There is bright light everywhere, but from no discernable source. It’s a little too bright, actually, and I wish I had sunglasses or they’d turn it down a bit. I’m wearing a white shirt and white pants, made of rayon or cotton. Soft, not cheap, but very simple and practical. I feel vaguely uneasy, as I’m not sure how I got here or why I’m here, but I’m fairly certain I’m being watched, from above and to my left.

That was my first picture as well. (And poor Patsy nearly slicing herself to pieces on all the dangly glass pieces.)

It’s a fairly large room, not square but with partial walls poking out in odd places, hard to describe but it’s what I see. There are shelves on some of the walls with soothing pictures in black& white and objects of art such as white vases with flowers. There are several pieces of comfortable white furniture, very inviting. At the far end is a huge open window with gauzy white curtains, blowing in the fresh breeze. The window overlooks the ocean and the only sounds are the waves ,sea gulls,and a wind chime hanging outside.