What DON'T you want for lunch?

Dear Self,

You don’t want McDonalds for lunch.

You stopped eating fast food years ago, so just a few of McD’s golden French fries would leave you feeling ucky all day long. Besides, you’d feel a little shamed to bring your McD’s back into the office, feeling your coworkers eyes on you and knowing they’re judging your poor eating habits.

You also don’t want pizza for lunch.

You definitely do not want pizza for lunch, in spite of the fact that the pizza shop just around the corner has two slices and a drink for just three dollars. You eat too much pizza already. Forget it’s cheesy deliciousness, just forget it.

You also don’t want Dumpling Man.

You had dumplings last night. You can’t live on dumplings. If you keep eating the tasty little dough pockets, you’ll soon become a dough pocket yourself.
You want a salad. Perhaps a sandwich. Maybe even a prepackaged health-conscious noodle dish of some sort.


P.S. I want McNuggets.

What don’t you want for lunch?

Well, let’s see…I’m enduring a mini-fast so i can eat more crab at the all-you-can-eat place.

I’m not helping.

I think I’ll get some McNuggets…10 sounds good right now…

Why would you even say that? Why would you do that to me!?

I don’t want a bacon cheeseburger. I wanted a bacon cheeseburger (and fries) last night. Despite the 2.4 pound weight gain, I would have eaten a bacon cheeseburger last night. Today’s cafeteria special is of course, a bacon cheeseburger. And fries.

I’m having a salad and cranberry chicken.

Um…so…so I can eat all the McNuggets so you can’t have any?

I’m trying to help!!!

What if they ever made McNugget pizza?

Okay, I’ll shut up now.

Well, I’ve never heard of Dumpling Man but unfortunately I’ve managed to become quite dough-pocketish without ever having set foot in a Dumpling Man. So, it goes without saying that I don’t want Dumpling Man for lunch, either.

::Abruptly exits SDMB to Google nearest Dumpling Man location::

I don’t want a big bowl of high carb-y Vietnamese rice noodle pho with a sugary glass of fresh-made limeade for lunch. I’m trying to cut carbs and lose weight, and Vietnamese food is right out. Everything is starchy or sugared (and utterly delicious).

Instead I’m going to have YET ANOTHER chicken caesar salad. I’m going to turn into a head of romaine and start clucking pretty soon.

::Returns to SDMB after discovering Dumpling Man has only one location, far away::

Yep, just wanted to confirm that I definitely don’t want Dumpling Man for lunch. Thought that was worth two posts.

Don’t want McNugget pizza either.

P.S. I want McNugget pizza.

But chicken caesar salads are yummy!

They do. You just have to remove if from the McNugget pizza dumpling.

The first three dozen chicken caesar salads are indeed yummy. Then one gets a bit sated and starts eyeing the barbecued pork chow mein or the sausage pizza or the Indian lunch buffets (with piles of basmati rice) and salivating.

I don’t want a chocolate soda. with raspberry soft serve ice cream and chocolate syrup.

Really, I don’t. They are too expensive ($3.23–which isn’t exorbitant, but buying ice cream products by the serving is much more expensive than buying them by the half gallon).

Also, I had one last night–with chocolate ice cream. And it tasted really good, but 20 oz. of ice cream, syrup, seltzer, and milk, eaten as quickly as I could devour it, left my tummy a little unhappy. Doing it again so soon would only make the problem worse.

And I’m sure there were more pure sugar calories than I need to eat in one serving in that soda.

I don’t want Kentucky Fried Chicken today.

I wanted Kentucky Fried Chicken two weeks ago but never got around to going there and then I forgot I wanted it. Last night, I remembered. Now I want it again.

Or rather, I don’t want it. It’s greasy and messy and fattening and at that particular store, they play the music so loud I’m constantly squirming in my seat wanting to get out of there.

Ohhh, but I likes me some extra crispy, tasty, 14-secret-herbs-and-spicy Kentucky Fried Chicken every once in a great while. I just don’t think that once in a while is now.

After all, I don’t want Kentucky Fried Chicken today.

I don’t want a supersized order of McHaggis, no matter how much they cut the price.

I don’t want ice cream. I don’t want to go the Dairy Queen, Mitchells or Rosatis all so conventiently located. I also do not want to use the coupon I so stupidly cut out of the paper to buy a carton of Dove ice cream from the store. I do not want an icy creamy treat covered in strawberries, or better yet, caramel and chocolate. Nope. I am losing weight and saving money and will not sabotage my efforts in either of those areas. I will be strong and eat fresh fruits and vegetables and not think about ice cream the rest of the day.

Maybe I can convince the husband to go to Cheesecake Factory tonight :smiley:

After walking out and picking up a salad, I realized what I don’t want, more than anything else in the world is a Beard Papa cream puff.

P.S. I want McNuggets pizza too. With extra sauce.

Cheap Chinese food. Although I love choosing among all the combo plates, ordering it, waiting for it, brining it home and actually eating it, the horrible way I feel for the rest of the day is Just Not Worth It! Repeat: Just Not Worth it!

I need that tattooed on my arm.

I didn’t want that ham sandwich that my wife made for me. But I ate it anyway.

The webcam link on the Dumpling Man’s site is down.

I seriously do NOT want buckets of corn dogs. No, no, the customer seated at my table with a hot fresh corn dog, emanating it’s corn doggy goodness didn’t tempt me at all. No, I didn’t threaten him with physical violence concerning the spent stick of a well loved corn dog if he ever dared eat one in front of me again KNOWING that the food courts would be closed before I got a break so I would be denied the bliss I had to watch him enjoy.

Nope, I’m not eyeing my brand spankin’ new deep fryer and pondering…