What exactly is the difference between a cappucino and a latte?

thanks for any help

According to Starbucks, “foamed milk” is the difference:

According to this site (just happens to be first hit in Google for “latte cappuccino difference”,

thanks Darren.

i suppose i should have googled it, but its so much more fun here.

Cafe Latte
Espresso combined with a liberal amount of foamy steamed milk, served in a tall glass mug.
OK, these I’ve had, and I’ve had hundreds, nay, thousands.
The first thing to note about ordering Cafe Latte is do not get pseudo-pretentious and order a Latte. If you do, I hope that the waitron brings you a glass of foamy steamy milk. Cafe people! Cafe is what makes the Latte a Cafe Latte.
The worst thing that can be brought to you, even when you order correctly, is a glass of (almost) instant coffee with the temperature of the foamy steamed milk anywhere near boiling. With the milk that hot, you will get ‘milk maid scum’ in seconds and the best thing to do with this is to present it to the barista as a gift (in lieu of payment) as you walk out the door with your nose held high and your wallet firmly in your back pocket.
Although ratios may vary to taste, traditional cappuccino is 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 frothed milk. To layer the milk and espresso, you need to allow the freshly frothed milk a moment to rest and thus separate (foam on top and milk on the bottom). Brew the espresso into a 3 oz. stainless pitcher (ceramic or glass will absorb too much heat of the espresso). Pour steamed milk into the bottom third of the cup. Pour the espresso slowly into the steamed milk. Spoon frothed milk on top to fill cup. Done in this order, the espresso should settle between the milk and the foam. Properly frothed milk should be approximately 65ºC to 75ºF (150ºF to 170ºF).
Most of the time you will simply get an espresso with the milk and froth unceremoniously poured on top and then adulterated by an addition of cocoa.
This is not what we are paying for Signor Barista and you should not serve it to us either.

Stabucks rule #1: the less coffee you get, the more expensive it is.

Also, at an unbelievable number of places (though by no means all), if you ask for a Latte, you get a Latte, and if you ask for a Cappuccino, you get a Latte.

Complicated by the fact that an Iced Cappucino, should more accurately be called an Iced Latte

Back in the “old” days if I asked for a cappuccino, I got a double espresso, in a large squat mug with foamed milk on top. The proper way to drink it was to slurp the coffee and milk at the same time.
A latte was steamed milk and espresso with a little foam on top, served in a glass. Often taken with cinnamon or cocoa.
My first biscotti we dipped in chianti.
This is all pre-statbucks, so I’m sure some teenager is going to set me straight. :smiley:

You all make this coffee buisness sound so complicated!

Generally a cappuccino is stronger than a latte and comes in a smaller cup. It also has froth on top.

Differs from cafe to cafe but that is the general rule, but always cappuccinos come with froth

In France, a cappuccino is a coffee with whipped cream on top. :slight_smile:

I’d second this - though as a milky coffee loather, I’d never ask for a latte. Many’s the time, though, that I’ve asked for a ‘very strong cappuccino’ and been served with what I would consider a latte. Starbucks’ version of a ‘strong cappuccino’ is particularly anaemic.
If, like me, you like strong coffee but with a dash of milk, ask for a double macciato (not sure about the spelling).
Best coffee in the world? Try the railway station buffet, Perpignan, France, and ask for a ‘cafe grande’. Also the best croissants.


I’ve found that it helps to ask for a “Dry Cappuccino”, or a “Very Dry Cappuccino”. However, if you make such a request and are met with a confused look… prepare yourself for a latte.

I suggest shopping around till you find the closest to what you want, then stick with them and they’ll adjust to your likes. Sound’s simple, and obvious, but it works.
BTW; middle-aged guys with old tattoos (not tats) make the best espresso drinks.