What Food Did You Once Despise Yet Now Eat?

(I know this has been done before. Hasn’t everything?)

As a wee lad, I remember going to my grandparents’ house for the weekend and when hunger struck, wanting a simple sandwich to tide me over.

I was always partial to baloney or ham with a slice of cheese on white bread with a skosh of mayo and I was good to go.

Instead in the deli drawer of the fridge of my grandparents was some vile combination of deli meat presented as…

…pimiento loaf (???)

God how I despised it and couldn’t stomach a single bite of it.

And now, lo these many years (decades?) later, I’m o.k. with it.

Who’s next?

Fish. It wasn’t until I grew up and started eating at restaurants that I realized my mother was doing it all wrong and fish should not smell or taste like raw chicken left in the sun over a hot weekend.

I always thought that beets taste like dirt (yeccch). After living in Russia, I’m now able to eat them in salads and borscht.

Bleu cheese. Hated it, hated it, hated it. Until I tried it again less than five years ago. Suddenly, it was AWESOME! I’ve loved it ever since.

Brussels sprouts
Rare steaks
Steak Tartare

Mom was a steady cook, but gourmet she wasn’t. It took marrying the Most Perfect Woman In The World to understand what foods I was missing.
eta: And what jayjay said.

Olives. The only kind I’d ever had were those awful black canned things you see on stadium “nachos” or pizza. Fishy-tasting salt bombs. Then GF started to have me taste deli olives, green ones stuffed with interesting things. Now I love them (though not the black canned ones).

Mushrooms. Hated them, now love them.
Sushi. Never truly hated, just avoided. So perhaps that’s different

Steamed shrimp. The smell made me gag. Now? Get outta m’way (picture Homer at the Frying Dutchman buffet).

I was in my 50s before I willingly ate a Brussels sprout. Hated cauliflower as a kid but I’ve always liked broccoli. Also hated peas and cooked carrots, although I liked raw carrots. Now I like all of these.


Cheese and nuts. Now I devour then.

Brussels sprouts



There’s a great joke in there somewhere but damned if I can find it…

I think Brussels Sprouts suffered from the typical 60s/70s preparation method of boiling the life out of them.

Like many non-Indonesians, I used to hate emping, a crunchy potato chip-like treat made from smashed melinjo. I found them weird and bitter. (They are both, at least to the uninitiated palate.)

Then one day perhaps 20 years ago, I was walking by a small storefront in central Java, and the fragrance of freshly fried emping wafted out. “I have to have some, they smell delicious!” I said, even though I had been turning up my nose at emping for the past year or so.

It was an epiphany, and I have loved emping ever since. I wish they were more widely available outside Indonesia, so others could snack on this delightful treat. If you ever get a chance, give them a try! Emping manis are the sweet ones;* emping pedas* are chili-flavored.

I hated tomatoes for the first several decades of my life. Raw tomatoes that is. They tasted disgusting, looked disgusting and felt disgusting. Then something changed and I started to tolerate them. Now I kind of like them. Kind of.

When I was a kid and a teenager I hated steak. I would never order it, even at a steak house (I would get the chicken dish) and I didn’t like it when my parents made it. In my 20s something changed and I loved them. Still do. Had one tonight even :slight_smile:

I grew up with green olives only because my parents didn’t like black olives. Now I prefer the reverse, although I’m not a big olive eater. I do cook with olive oil and indulge in the Paul Newman brand because I think it’s the best.

I never liked rice or mashed potatoes either, because all I ever had was Minute Rice and Potato Buds. “Real” mashed potatoes and non-Minute Rice are yummy.

Nothing. I was raised during WWII by a depression-era mom, you grow up liking everything.

Lamb. Before I took up with my current partner-in-crime, I was convinced that the flesh of sheep was not a wholesome food for human beings. Now I certainly know better.

Oatmeal. I used to abhor the stuff; as I grow older I’ve come to realize that a bowl of hot oatmeal with brown sugar and cream and perhaps a scanty handful of raisins is a fine thing indeed. Be this as it may, my favorite cereal will always be Coco Puffs

Chicken livers. I gag at the notion of eating the livers of our fellow mammals (except for liverwurst and braunschweiger), but some time between the ages of 21 and 40, I was turned on to a plate of fried chicken livers with rice. It was simple, and sumptuous, and it made a beliver out of me.

Raw/rare meat or fish. I grew up thinking that medium well was the only way to eat meat or fish.

Then somehow I saw the light. Now I love meat rare, love carpaccio, mett, steak tartare, kibbeh, sashimi, etc