What good is my fucking official fucking state Driver’s License if I can’t use it to get a drink?
I walked into a casino last night, and the bartender asked me for ID. Okay. I’ll show you my driver’s license, here you go.
“How old are you?”
(Dubious look). “What’s your address?”
“11109, oh, some street I don’t remember. I’ve moved a couple times since I got that license.”
“You don’t remember your address?”
I kept my response to myself. <I didn’t stutter, you fat cunt. I don’t fucking remember it.> She proceeds to scan it and surprise, surprise, it checks out. But she still doesn’t believe me. She brings the manager over. He asks me to leave. I said,
“What’s the problem? Does it not look like me? Did it not scan properly?”
“You need to leave.”
“Because you’re not 21.”
“Of course not, I’m 27. I’ll have a Ketel One please, neat.”
“We can’t serve you.”
“What’s wrong with the license that you don’t believe me? Here, how about my passport.” I whip it out. It’s a US passport, mind you, current.
“We can’t accept a passport.”
<Of course not, why would I have thought a passport would prove who I am? I must be stupid or something.>
“Look at this. This is my class ring from college. It says 2003 on it, see that? It’s 2007 now, so I’ve got to be at least 26, right?”
“We only accept government issued ID, we don’t accept rings. Please leave.”
<What the fuck did I just show you two seconds ago? Fuck you.>
Now the bouncer is here, and these people *each *weigh twice as much as I do (including the lady), so I guess I have no choice. I left. I was pissed OFF. What fucking good is a driver’s license if a man can’t even get a drink? What the fuck did they want from me? Just because I can’t remember my stupid address from way back when?
What can a guy do in a situation like that? I was pissed. Fucking assholes. What were they expecting me to show them? What other ID could I possibly have showed them that they would believe me?
Can’t they just fucking let me in, and then if the cops bust me for being underage, the bartender says “his ID checked out” and she’s not in trouble, right? So what do they have to fucking lose that they feel a need to go to such ridiculous measures? I mean, I could be on trial for murder and they would probably take my license as proof that, yeah, it’s me sitting on the witness’ stand. Thank you very much. They wouldn’t say “oh you don’t remember your address, it must not be you, you’re free to go, sir. No seriously, please leave. Now.”
So I left. I came back in through another door. I sat at a different bar on the other side of the casino. Bartender didn’t ask for ID. Nice guy. I got my vodka and it calmed me down a bit, just so I could drive back home. Bitches.