Love 'em or hate 'em, yard inflatable snow globes used to be ubiquitous only a few years ago, yet the last couple of seasons I haven’t seen a single one.
Why the sudden demise? It can’t be everyone all at once decided they were tacky and quit using them. The fact that something is tacky hasn’t prevented people from doing any number of things.
Anyone have any opinions why they all disappeared?
(For the record, I liked them, in a fun, kitschy way. My wife does not.)
I wonder if they have properties that make them not as good as years go by? Like they get foggy, or are prone to holes or the snow inside gets wet and sticky?
My neighbors have one. They have one of those yards where they just toss up every decoration known to man, with a new one every year for 30 years. Some people find this tacky but I find it UBER FESTIVE! I did notice the globe action was hard to see. Seemed like it needed more light but it was very dark.
I am in the Phoenix metro area. I wondered if they didn’t hold up past the first season, and no one wanted to repair them. I think they were relatively expensive the first year they made an appearance.
We have “UBER FESTIVE!” houses around here as well. Places that are complete mixes of “genres” - Peanuts, Santa, religious, teddy bears, penguins, inflatable Disney characters, all in the same yard. But no snow globes!
Hm, now you mention it, inflatables are everywhere but snowglobes are less common than they used to be. I bet they’re easy to mess up, hard to maintain, and too expensive to replace after only a year or two.
I’ve still seen them. I think when they first popped up people thought they were kind of interesting and funny. Which they were when you saw two houses in the city with giant inflatables in the yards. “Look at that! It’s a giant Snoopy in a Santa hat!” instead of “Ugh another Santa-hatted Snoopy.”
Also, I wonder if they don’t last well from year to year. So the people who were inclined to want such a thing in their yards got one a few years ago and it’s since gotten holes in it and they haven’t gotten another one because now the cool thing is to choreograph your Christmas lights to a popular song and they’re doing that now.
I suspect the clear plastic they use doesn’t hold up well to being deflated, folded, and stored for 11 months after annual uses. So, they turn out to be pretty expensive for 2 holiday season’s worth of enjoyment. So they don’t end up getting replaced after they wear out.