Now, in this case the poster was speaking of someone who had been convicted of child porn possession.
But… what happened to compassion, forgiveness, and rehabilitation when it comes to criminals?
As far as I see, there is little discussion in our society of rehabilitating prisoners.
My Uncle, who committed murder as a teenager, has had to deal wth people behaving as if he will do it again. Ignore the fact that he has been active in programs to rehabilitate prisoners and to teach them that they do not have to return to the life they had and they can live in a state of atonement.
No, my Uncle can never make up for what he did. He took a life. That is not something that can be undone.
Yet he can and is a contributing member of society that teaches others by the example he puts forth. He is not evil. He made a hideous mistake and is working on doing what he can to make sure it doesn’t happen again to someone else.
I hear too often the belief that people cannot change and that a convict cannot be rehabilitated.
No matter what faith or lack thereof, why has the ability to forgive and believe in the ability of others to change for the better died off in our society?