What happened to John Kerry

This is what I came here to say. He’s a government employee who serves at the pleasure of the president, and his job is to execute the president’s agenda.

Rather the same justification might be made for Commander Blokhin — not that I’m implying anything.

I agree with the two of you.

And anyone who really believes Kerry is going to run for president is kidding themselves or has a very low opinion of Kerry. Democrats aren’t that sophisticated politically. One of the reasons Kerry won the nomination was due to his war record. That was because back then - most democrats believed you needed a strong military background to run against the more hawkish republicans post 9-11. If memory serves his first line in accepting the nomination was something like “John Kerry reporting for duty!”. It was ridiculous. We’ve learned that we can’t get people like Al Gore (ok he did win more votes) & John Kerry elected. They are cold fish. We need someone who can capture and kill flies with their bare hands during a TV interview.

John Kerry lost against a republican. He couldn’t win a democratic primary, because democratic voters will remember that and pick virtually anyone else on that fact alone.

" If memory serves his first line in accepting the nomination was something like “John Kerry reporting for duty!”. It was ridiculous"

as was the picture of him windsurfing during the Republican Convention.

pretends to, then posts nasty shit about FGiE at 4chan

Can someone link me to something that explains why we’re all mad at Kerry at this moment? Does blathering on about sanctions enrage that many people? Whatever else he is, he’s paint-dryingly dull.

I don’t know that we’re “mad” at him, but we’re choking on his statement to Putin about how, in the 21st century, countries just don’t invade other countries on trumped up charges. Maybe he meant countries other than the US…

Ah. I guess that comment barely registered with me. You make an excellent point.

I’m wondering if hypocrisy prevents more wars than it starts.

Kerry just kinda got to me as the latest example of the willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty that infects the members, leaders, and advisers of both parties, and I hate to see Obama, who is the same empty suit in a different style we keep electing President, being led by people like Susan Rice, Hillary, Kerry et al back down the same old road to another ignorant war. I’m really impressed that “mah fellow Merkins”, to quote LBJ, told the politicos no when they said it was time to drop bums on Libya.

Probably. Most diplomacy consists of pretending you don’t want the other guy dead.

But, Obama did drop bombs on Libya – just enough for just long enough to give the rebels a bit of time to regroup – and then stopped, and not because of any domestic public pressure.