What happened to Lady Gaga?

Taking her PhD? She was a smart kid as I heard it.

That’s one of my favorite bits of Sopranos trivia.

The minute I asked where’s Lady Gaga she now appears at a big tribute, must of read this thread.

And she has some stellar legs to boot!

In fact, IIRC, she mentioned in her Emmy speech that she really wanted to get into acting first.

“Her Emmy speech”? :confused: :dubious:

Ah, so she got younger and started acting. Cool.

And traveled back in time to do it. You gotta admire that sort of gumption.

She WON a GOLDEN GLOBE. NOT AN EMMY. For American Horror Story - Hotel. (I don’t think she was all that good in that, myself. But at least it wasn’t an Emmy!)

Yeh, sorry, Golden Globe speech. My bad.

I didn’t think she was all that great, either. I’d rather it have gone to Kirsten Dunst for her role in Fargo.

Didnt she suffer from lupus, as well ?

It’s never lupus.

Beautiful singing. She could have been a classical musician if she had wanted to.

Side-note: did they have a drunken monkey in charge of the videography? It kept going from “way far back and mostly out of frame” to “way too close up.”

Yeah, she’s not even the best on that show, let alone best of every show for the year. Being weird and provocative isn’t really acting.

She tested positive for it, but has never shown any symptoms. Of course, that article is from 2010, but I haven’t seen anything else.

It’s also possible you heard some stuff about Selena Gomez, who is symptomatic and took time off for chemotherapy.