What Happened To The "Esprit" Brand?

I was in the library, looking around, and, and wound up looking in a magazine from 1986. I saw an ad for kid’s clothing-the “esprit” brand (their clothese always featured the brand name slapped on everything-in hge letters.
It revived my meories-I remember that it was very poplar among women.
What happened to it?
It’s like that other brand “BM”-I lawys snickered when I saw some girl with “BUM” emblazoned on her ass, or top.:smiley:

It’s still very popular in Australia. I saw it in Europe, too.

They’re still around in Canada. I’m wearing an Esprit t-shirt right now. For the most part the logos on the clothes are much subtler now. On this t-shirt it’s a small embroidered brand name near the side seam in the same colour as the shirt.

So you’re saying they’ve shrunk their Esprit decor?

My wife loves the brand and has bought their stuff for years. They are still around and making good clothing.

My favourite item of theirs is a matress pad. Sounds crazy but we went through 2 or 3 different mattress pads in about 5 years. I guess you’re not supposed to wash them in hot water, but they are always so flimsy. About 10 years ago we found an Esprit brand mattress pad that has a heavy cotton top, solid cotton sides and a tough wide elastic band (like heavy underwear elastic). The thing is so comfortable and hardy. The stitches are finally starting to let go and we are looking around for another one, but can’t seem to find one of the same quality that they used to make. It looks like they are discontinued.


Reminds me of the Coca-Cola shirts we used to wear. Can’t believe we did that!

And Panama Jack.

And Varnet.

Needing to change 3 mattress pads in 5 years, maybe not so eye-raising.

However 3 mattress box springs in 5 years, that would be a story worth telling!