What happens if you're licence expires while your living abroad?

I just realized that my licence is going to expire in December, and I’m living on the other side of the planet. I won’t be home for, probably, at least eight or nine more months.

Is there anything I can do to not have to take my driving test again?

(I should mention that I’m American)

What state will you be returning to?

South Carolina

They make you take a test every time you need to renew your driver’s license in South Carolina?

Move to New York. I renew mine by mail when it’s due; I don’t even need to redo the photo. (And I haven’t looked like that for years!)

South Carolina DMV Online says you can renew online or by mail.

I took gitfiddle’s post to mean that he would have to take the driving test again if the license were allowed to expire for an extended time. I think this is true for many states, including (according to kat’s link) South Carolina

If you can possibly get your license renewed before it expires, do it. If there is a gap, auto insurance companies will treat you as having only been licensed since your new license was issued. This will result in a substantial increase in premiums.

Here in Indiana, you can renew your license six months before it expires. Check into it.

You in the military? Some states make an exception for military personnel. I had six months after I got back to renew. I didn’t see anything one way or the other on the site listed earlier.

I am in Colombia, but had my Florida drivers license renewed by Internet. They just send the renewal to my Florida address by mail. It is a sticker that goes on the back of my license.

My daughter’s driver’s license expired while she was in school overseas. Yes, she had to take the whole thing over - written, driving, vision.

I’m pretty sure the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act covers driver’s licenses. If I remember correctly, service members were advised to carry a copy of their orders w/ them when returning from overseas duty to verify their status under the law. So that would mean that all states must recognize any entitlements under the SSRA. This dates back to WWI, although it’s been revised several times.