What happens to old hookers?

Like the legendary dead pigeons you rarely if ever see an elderly prostitute for obvious market demand reasons. I’m assuming they have no reported earnings or social security to speak of and I’ve never heard of a home for old prostitutes. Do they die early from drugs or STDs? Assuming that unlike the pigeons, predators don’t drag them off into the woods, what becomes of these folks? Have any studies been done. Any social workers or others know the straight dope.

Don’t they sprout into madams?

I have no idea, but here is a list of studies made on prostitutes.

They sell hammers.


Well, many of the prostitutes that work in the legal brothels in Nevada have things like dental and retirement plans. I found this out in American Pimp.

Ever see the film trading places when Jamie Lee curtis plays a hooker and says she can retire at 30 . At a guess i think they would make their money and scoot since its supposed to cost alot of money x 12(possible) working hours
x 365 x10 years = lots of money to retire on.

Can’t believe I’m the first on this:

Old hookers never die, they just blow away.


They do NFL commercials with Marshall Faulk.

Most old hooker are still there.

I would say that the higher class ones either get married or, like someone else suggested, retire early. The street-corner heroin junkie ones probably reform and get their lives together or die young of STD’s/drugs.

A few years ago I saw some documentary about American military bases abroad and they were interviewing a bunch of local men and asked them why they disliked the Americans so much. For a moment they sort of looked at each other like “do we really need a reason?” and then one of them said: “You know why I dislike them? Because they marry our hookers and take them back to America as their wives and we’re left without them. That’s why!” The other guys roared with laughter.

Since I saw that I’ve met some guys who were in the military and married local women and brought them back to America. I am always very careful to avoid asking their wives what they did back home before they got married but I can’t help thinking to myself “Uh oh, one less hooker in the Philippines”.

So it seems, in certain parts of the world, the answer to the OP could well be “they marry a gringo and raise a family”.

Some lose their teeth and then charge more.

:o A, um, “friend” is acquainted with a former hooker (using a adjective like “old” when describing women is very dangerous). She is now a waitress. But, as a sideline, she is a phone sex provider. When she wants, she dials up a number to sign on. As customers call a central number, some are routed to her. She must sign off to get no more calls.

I think the answer to the OP depends on which “Hookers” you’re talking about.

The women who work for escort agencies just end up doing other things, getting married, going to school, or what have you.

The women you see on street corners often don’t live long enough to get old. They make a life for themselves if they can get cleaned up and off the smack.

There’s a heck of a difference between being a girl who’s willing to see a regular clientele for $350 an hour through Triple-A Executive Escorts because it makes university and a nice apartment easy to afford, and being a girl who’s turning tricks at $50 a schlong so you can pay back your pimp/“boyfriend” for the crack he’s making you smoke.

Recently I saw an article about a 70-year-old (if memory serves) prostitute in Taiwan whose clients were men that were even older.

My understanding of prostitution, which I must add is extremely limited, is that its not really a full time job. Sure I believe there are people out there doing it full time but I dont think this characterizes most prostitutes. Many as far as I know are college students or strippers. basically they have legit jobs. Sine a prostitute is defined as:

“to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money”

This leads me to believe being a prostitute is a broad term and therefore many people with normal jobs are prostitutes od hookers.

God I sound like a nerd :slight_smile:

I don’t think there is any one answer to what happens to them. You know some probably get married, some stay home & knit, others get some job where they try to keep young girls from hooking in the first place. Does anyone know a book about this for astro that he might read?

They get sent to the Virgin Islands for a retread.

I’m neighbors with one of the semi-fabled $3000/night girls. High cost girls don’t always “retire” to a more mundane life, according to what she says. She’s generally contemptious of the “real-world” coping skills of her peers. Some will find a Sugar Daddy, but most won’t. Some will ‘retire’ off their earnings, but those girls are quite rare indeed. It’s not totally unheard-of, but rare. One of my neighbor’s contacts charged (past-tense intended) US$12,000 per day, plus expenses (two day minimum), and has retired as a multi-millionare. At age 26. The market won’t support many like that.

My neighbor is on the next tier, making one or two ‘evening’ dates per week, and maybe one ‘overnighter’ every couple of weeks. Nothing to sneer at, as her overnight rate is US$3,000, and an evening date is $1200. She’ll do fine, but she tells me that many of her peers have expensive habits (including drugs), and poor money management skills. Many are semi-successful or failed models, most of these will find a series of husbands, but few are scheduled for “happily ever after”, lacking the necessary skills and ability to adapt to a slower lifestyle. Some will go to school, but a large-ish portion are doomed to menial jobs or sliding progressively down the prostitution heirarchy.

The next tier are the lower-end escorts, who, oddly enough, seem to do well when they’re done with the Life. Charging between US$150 and US$500 per hour, they usually have a string of regulars that are essentially paying boyfriends. Many are very restrictive about who they’ll see, but are definately working the lower-rent professional ranks. These women have lower expectations and are more likely to have “real world” jobs to supplement their income. Again, a significant portion will have poor coping skills, and serious drug habits.

Below that are a wide band of hookers and streetwalkers, who have few prospects, and many of whom have serious substance abuse issues, and are likely to end up as marginal people, working menial jobs, or homeless.

This is the world of prostitution that I see through my (not infrequent) conversations with my neighbor. Not much room for a “Pretty Woman” ending, although I suppose it happens.

[sub]No, I’m not one of her clients (I’m not willing to spend that kind of money, nor am I willing to jeapordize my marriage), and No, I won’t do introductions, either.[/sub]

As for Navy and other military marrying former hookers from (fer instance) the PI, well, it’s a mixed bag. Some are so gratefull to have a real life that they cling to their man almost desperately, most behave as any other wife might, and a few can’t seem to get it out of their systems. Mostly I’ve seen these women essentially take control of the household, and run it like their litle empire, treating their man as the titular head of house, while they make most of the decisions. Most men seem to be willing to accept this, as their wives make damn sure that their man is satisfied. I have, however, seen plenty of these women turn into “West-Pac Widows”, where they take up with a boyfriend (usually another service member) while the husband is on deployment. Incidence of spousal abuse in these marriages is quite high.

To be fair, I’ve seen plenty of American women doing the same, and falling into the same traps.

Some former hookers from overseas are still hooking when their husbands go to sea. I used to see one particular Master Chief’s car come thru the gate six or seven times a night, always with a woman at the controls, when the Master Chief was on deployment, each time with a different young man in the passanger seat. I’m not sure what was going on, but the range of possibities is fairly limited.