What have you changed your mind on by visiting these message boards?

I learned that during my first week of corporate life. By the second week, I had a pretty good understanding of the word “Faustian”.

As to the OP’s question: Not so much changed my mind, as learned the facts…
Prior to the SDMB, I *woefully *misunderstood the realities of income and wealth distribution in the US. My perceptions of “middle class” (and my own position in the hierarchy) were astoundingly wrong.

The board was also instrumental in convincing me to spend some time volunteering, and I’m starting my fourth year as a teacher (remedial adult stuff) in a shelter. I learned how astonishingly hard it is to get people out of poverty and reintegrated into the economy from this. I had no idea how difficult or frustrating this task is, so I guess it can be added to “things the Dope changed my mind about”.

The Dope changed my mind on a lot of things.

I was huge 9/11 truther when I first started hanging around these boards years and years ago. After reading the various threads on here, and following up the various links that debunked a lot of what I thought was the truth, I changed my mind about it. The same applies for other conspiracies.

I used to believe that anyone having surgery to lose weight was taking the lazy way out. I even went so far as to go off on someone when they posted that they were going to have such a surgery.

I used to be a die hard follow the party line liberal. It was after reading many of the debates here that made me realize you shouldn’t vote straight ticket, but by the issues.