First off, when answering please restrict yourself to HISTORICAL figures, by which I mean DEAD. In fact, let’s say dead at least 30 years. If people start saying that they’d murder anybody living, the mods will surely close the thread and begin administering spankings, and they’ll be right to do so.
Second, don’t bother saying Hitler, or for that matter Stalin or Pol Pot. Too damn easy.
Third: restrict yourself to people who didn’t die by assassination.
Who do you pick, and why, and at what point in their careers?
I do have a justifying scenario. I’m going to spoiler-box it because I encourage everyone to ignore it in favor of their own imaginations. If you absolutely must have a set-up, here it is:
[spoiler]The scenario.
Your latest campaign to rid the world of a certain unnamed, sick bastard goes awry, and you find yourself on the run from death by booga-booga. You’ve stolen one of his portable time-travel gizmos and a portable replicator. The murderous minions are only moments away. Looking over the TTG, you realize that (a) it’s stuck on backwards, and (b) it only has enough antimatter to be used once. You can go anywhere/anywhen on Earth before 1978, but once you’re there you’re stuck; and replicators can’t make antimatter, so while you’ll be able to make gold, fake ids & currency, etc., you can’t use the gizmo to come back.
Since you’re two seconds from being ravished and eaten by flying monkeys, you decide to go for it anyway. But since this experience has left you embittered towards despotic madmen, you decide to pick an era beset by some evil guy, replicate yourself a nice sniper rifle, and take him or her out.
Who do you pick, and why?[/spoiler]